[GRRN] Fw: Interstate Waste Update

Bill Sheehan (zerowaste@grrn.org)
Fri, 25 Jun 1999 05:51:02 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: Sara Kendall <dc@worc.org>
To: <dc@worc.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 1999 3:05 PM
Subject: Interstate Waste Update

Interstate Waste -- June 22, 1999

Welcome to WORC's Interstate Waste email list. This is the first message
I've managed to get out to the new list.

There's a lot going on in the Congress and in a number of states. To keep
this email from getting too long, I'll cover Capitol Hill with this email,
and send out updates on what's going on in some of the states over the next
few weeks. If there's something interesting going on in your state, send a
summary my way and I'll get it out to the list.

Since the 106th Congress adjourned in January, a number of bills that would
grant states and communities control over interstate waste shipments have
been introduced: HR 378 & 379 (Rep. Gilmore, R-OH), HR 891 (Rep.
Kanjorski, D-PA), HR 1190 (Rep. Greenwood, R-PA) S 553 (Sens. Warner, R-VA
& Robb, D-VA), S 663 (Sen. Specter, R-PA), and S 872 (Sens. Voinovich, R-OH
& Bayh, D-IN). You can download the text or check the status of any of
these bills at <thomas.loc.gov>.

HR 1190, S 663 and S 872 would also give states and local governments
limited "flow control" authority. Flow control is the authority of
governments to direct waste generated within their jurisdiction to a
specific facility for disposal and/or processing. WORC does not have a
position on flow control, but if you'd like more information, I suggest the
following web sites:

Congressional Research Service

National Association of Counties (pro flow control)

WORC supports HR 1190 and S 663, which are the House and Senate versions of
the same bill. We believe that these bills would give states and
communities the most control over unwanted/unneeded interstate waste
shipments. For our analysis of HR 1190 and S 553, visit WORC's web site at
<http://www.worc.org/rtsn.html>. Another good source of information on
interstate waste issues in Congress is the Congressional Research Service,
whose most recent report is on the web at <www.cnie.org/nle/waste-29.html>.

Last week, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing
on interstate waste legislation. Virtually every Senator who spoke at the
hearing (Baucus (D-MT), Bayh (D-IN), Crapo (R-ID), Reid (D-NV), Robb
(D-VA), Specter (R-PA), Voinovich (R-OH) and Warner (R-VA)) spoke in
support of legislation, but those who backed specific bills were divided as
to which bill should be supported. The Committee chairman, Senator John
Chafee (R-RI), said that he was not convinced of the need for legislation,
but Chafee has been convinced by strong support from committee members to
move legislation he personally does not support in the past.

Representatives Jim Greenwood (R-PA) and Ron Klink (D-PA) have requested a
similar hearing in the House Finance and Hazardous Materials Subcommittee,
but that hearing has not been scheduled yet.

What you can do:

1. Ask your Congressional delegation to cosponsor HR 1190 or S 663.
Usually it's best to start with a letter, then follow up by calling the
staff person who handles the issue, and requesting a meeting with the
member when they're at home. Check first to make sure whether they're
already a cosponsor at <thomas.loc.gov>. You can call any Congressional
office by dialing the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121.

2. Bring the issue to the attention of your local media. Editorials carry
a lot of weight with members of Congress, although letters to the editor
and guest editorials are often a good place to start. Send copies to WORC.

3. Spread the word about this email list.

You have received this email because you are a member of the Western
Organization of Resource Council's "Interstate Waste" email distribution

To subscribe, email Sara Kendall at dc@worc.org. To be removed from this
list, please respond to this email and type REMOVE in the body of the


Sara Kendall, Washington, DC Representative
Western Organization of Resource Councils
110 Maryland Avenue, NE, Suite 307
Washington, DC 20002
202-547-7040 (phone)
202-543-0978 (fax)