[GRRN] Fwd: Landfill Decomposition

Wed, 12 May 1999 13:12:34 EDT

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In a message dated 5/12/99 7:10:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
Dyck_Mi@ci.san-bernardino.ca.us writes:

<< Subj: Landfill Decomposition
Date: 5/12/99 7:10:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Dyck_Mi@ci.san-bernardino.ca.us (Dyck_Mi)
Sender: owner-recycle@envirolink.org
Reply-to: recycle@envirolink.org
To: recycle@envirolink.org (RECYCLE - Post (E-mail))

Dear Subscribers:

I am missing a file I had on the analysis of landfill content and the
decomposition rates for these materials. I need this information and I
cannot track down my original sources or new ones. Any suggestions on where
I might find primary or secondary academic sources? I have tried Rathje out
of Arizona, but it seems that the focus of his studies were more
anthropological and his staff is "too busy" to send me a bibliography of his
publishings. I would be most grateful.

Michelle Dyck
Commercial Waste Reduction Coordinator
Public Services Department
300 North D Street - 4th Floor
City of San Bernardino, CA 92418
909-384-5549 #3162 phone
909-384-5190 fax
dyck_mi@san-bernardino.ca.us <mailto:dyck_mi@san-bernardino.ca.us>


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From: Dyck_Mi <Dyck_Mi@ci.san-bernardino.ca.us>
To: "RECYCLE - Post (E-mail)" <recycle@envirolink.org>
Subject: Landfill Decomposition
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 17:08:36 -0700
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Dear Subscribers:

I am missing a file I had on the analysis of landfill content and the
decomposition rates for these materials. I need this information and I
cannot track down my original sources or new ones. Any suggestions on where
I might find primary or secondary academic sources? I have tried Rathje out
of Arizona, but it seems that the focus of his studies were more
anthropological and his staff is "too busy" to send me a bibliography of his
publishings. I would be most grateful.

Michelle Dyck
Commercial Waste Reduction Coordinator
Public Services Department
300 North D Street - 4th Floor
City of San Bernardino, CA 92418
909-384-5549 #3162 phone
909-384-5190 fax
dyck_mi@san-bernardino.ca.us <mailto:dyck_mi@san-bernardino.ca.us>
