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Hi CRRA Members and fellow Californians:
The Local Government Commission is asking for people who believe in
Second Chance Week to send support letters to the CIWMB so they might
approve a grant so LGC can continue this activity.
I hope all of you could take just a moment, copy LGC's sample letter,
make a couple minor changes and fax your letter to the CIWMB. Rumor has
it that they are considering various grant proposals as early as
Monday. What a great Earth Week activity.
>From my perspective, Second Chance Week really helped get local
governments and organizations get into reuse. It has had a profound
affect on moving us beyond recycling. So please send those letters.
Please contact Lief Christianson if you have any questions.
Ann Schneider
Chair - Repair, Resale and Reuse Council of CRRA
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Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 15:00:18 -0700
To: Ann Schneider <aschneid@cats.ucsc.edu>, Debby_Dunn@ci.sf.ca.us,
Susan Patane <Slrslp@aol.com>, Holly Harris <rtnc@sonic.net>,
Susana Estreller <sestrell@loop.com>,
Doug Eubanks <eubanksd@pwa.co.sacramento.ca.us>
From: Leif Christiansen <leif@lgc.org>
Subject: 2nd Chance Week Support
Dear 2nd Chance Week Supporters:
The California Integrated Waste Management Board is presently reviewing a
sponsorship request for Second Chance Week 1999 submitted by the Local
Government Commission. The CIWMB's sponsorship of Second Chance Week will
allow LGC to continue coordinating this campaign statewide and,
specifically, to develop a Second Chance Week 1999 website (see below
project description). The Board will decide whether to provide financial
support for this project at their next Board meeting on April 27 & 28, 1999.
Please help increase our chances of the Week receiving the Board's
sponsorship by submitting a letter of support. A sample letter (which you
are encouraged to revise/personalize) is included below as well as the
contact information for the Board members.
Feel free to contact me with any questions at 916/448-1198, x320 or email
me at: leif@lgc.org. If you do decide to submit a letter, please be sure to
fax or email me a copy (fax# 916-448-8246).
Thanks (in advance) for your support.
Leif Christiansen
April 16, 1999
Dear CIWMB Board Members:
I am writing you on behalf of the <<your agency/organization>> to encourage
your support of Second Chance Week, California's first-of-its-kind,
grass-roots, statewide reuse awareness campaign.
As you know, reuse is one step higher on the waste hierarchy then
recycling, yet receives much lower levels of support. Through sponsoring
Second Chance Week, the CIWMB can help support local efforts to encourage
residents and businesses to go beyond recycling to reuse, repair, resell
and donate items that might otherwise be thrown away.
<<Your agency/organization>> has found Second Chance Week to be an
excellent vehicle for promoting reuse (please describe your past Second
Chance Week activity(s) and briefly mention some of the benefits, such as:
* Increases the diversion of reusable goods and materials from landfills;
* Increases the number of organizations and individuals repairing,
reselling, and donating items that they might otherwise throw away;
* Provides local governments, nonprofits, schools and others the
opportunity to initiate new reuse activities and programs, which can be
institutionalized and continued over the long term;
* Provides activity organizers with practical experience in materials
reuse, environmental education, and related business opportunities, and the
opportunity to form partnerships with other participating groups for
ongoing materials exchanges;
* Assists agency in meeting their A.B. 939 requirements through
expanding and measuring the impact of local reuse activities and programs;
* Provides a unifying banner for promoting and increasing the visibility
of your waste prevention programs as well as offers the opportunity to
build new lasting partnerships in the reuse community;
* Boosts community support of reuse establishments through increased
* Increases the number of useful donations and low-cost materials
available to nonprofits, charities, and schools.)
Our participation in the Second Chance Week campaign would not have been
possible without the statewide coordination of the Local Government
Commission (LGC). The LGC has offered valuable guidance with selecting,
planning, promoting, implementing, and measuring the success of our Second
Chance Week efforts. We very much appreciated their support and hope that
they are able to play a similar role in 1999.
<<Your agency/organization>> looks forward to participating in this year's
celebration and hopes that the CIWMB will be a sponsor.
Please fax your letter of support to the Public Affairs Office (Attn: Roni
Java) at 916/255-2220. She recommends submitting one letter addressed to
all four members, which she will make copies of and distribute to each as
part of the sponsorship request packet.
You are also encouraged to contact the members directly via email:
Steve Jones, <sjones@CIWMB.ca.gov>
David Roberti, <DRoberti@CIWMB.ca.gov>
Daniel Pennington, <dpenning@CIWMB.ca.gov>
Dan Eaton, <DEaton@CIWMB.ca.gov>
In case you wanted more info about the sponsorship request that the LGC
submitted, here is a project description:
Second Chance Week is a statewide, grass-roots public awareness campaign
held in October to promote reuse, repair, resale and donation opportunities
in California. During Second Chance Week, local governments, community
groups, reuse businesses, and other entities work together to hold
activities geared towards giving reusable items that might otherwise be
thrown away a "second chance." Through encouraging the public's support of
existing reuse establishments, such as materials exchange facilities,
thrift stores, and repair shops, and providing communities with new reuse
opportunities, such as city-wide garage sales, donation drives, and reuse
art contests, Second Chance Week aims to help Californians further realize
the many benefits of reuse.
In support of the first annual Second Chance Week 1997 (October 18 - 26th),
over 125 organizations from around the state held more than 95 reuse
activities, attracting almost 20,000 participants, and reaching over
370,000 people through direct outreach materials. These efforts directly
resulted in the reuse of more than 90 tons of used goods and materials
statewide and laid the foundation for future efforts to promote reuse.
The following year, over 180 organizations celebrated Second Chance Week
1998 (October 17 - 25th), working together to sponsor more than 100 reuse
activities throughout California. In total, more than 100 tons of used
goods and materials were put back into circulation as a direct result of
the Week's activities. Approximately 3,000 volunteers and paid staff helped
coordinate reuse events for the Week, attracting over 24,000 participants
and reaching approximately 390,000 community members through direct
outreach materials (A summary of Second Chance Week 1998 supporters and
activities is attached.)
Over the last two years, the CIWMB has offered in-kind support through
publicizing Second Chance Week to potential activity organizers, such as
recycling coordinators and teachers. Several CIWMB publications, including
Infocycling, Reusable School News, RMDZ News and the CALMAX catalog, ran
articles about the Week. The Waste Prevention Info Exchange listserve as
well as the Board's website also listed information. Additionally, Daniel
Pennington, in support of Second Chance Week 1997, co-signed an outreach
letter distributed to hundreds of solid waste contacts encouraging them to
In preparation for this year's campaign, the Local Government Commission
(LGC) is requesting financial support from the CIWMB to develop a Second
Chance Week 1999 website. This website will promote the Second Chance Week
concept to potential event organizers as well as provide important
information on selecting, planning, promoting, and implementing a local
Second Chance Week event.
LGC staff will update assistance materials from previous years to post on
the site. These materials include an activity planning guidebook, case
studies of successful events, and promotional materials, such as sample
press releases and public service announcement scripts. Guidelines for
measuring the impacts of local events as well as Second Chance Week clip
art will also be made available online.
In addition to recruiting and assisting local activity organizers, this
interactive website will be a focal point for posting and tracking upcoming
Second Chance Week 1999 events. Using activity information submitted
through the site, LGC staff will create a regularly updated events listing.