RE: [GRRN] news print used for insulation

Okuzumi, Margaret (
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 13:20:38 -0700

Many companies, including such large corporations as Louisiana Pacific,
manufacture cellulose insulation. It is a common building material,
although it can be difficult for homeowners to rent a working blower
(you get free rental with purchase of ten bags at Home Depot, but often
they are broken, it's easy to jam the machine and burn out the motor).
But otherwise it can be easier and more cost-effective to install than
fiberglass when insulating walls and attics.

Whether these are actually made of recycled newsprint rather than virgin
cellulose, I'm not sure. The people at Environmental Building News
would know ( you can search back issues, and
the people at what used to be GREBE in Montana which is now called
something else would know. EBN also produces a building products
catalog which lists sources of building materials made out of recycled
materials or using other more eco-friendly techniques. The folks at EBN
are extremely knowledgeable. I highly recommend their hefty monthly
newsletter to anyone interested in environmentally responsible design
and construction.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: William P. McGowan []
> Sent: Thursday, April 08, 1999 12:40 PM
> To: multiple recipients of
> Cc:
> Subject: [GRRN] news print used for insulation
> Dear GRRNers,
> Does anyone know if they still make home insulation out ground up
> newsprint. Seems to me there was a company in Martinez, CA called
> WeatherCheck that did this--does anyone know of any other company in
> the
> country that does this?
> Bill McGowan
> Rincon Recycling
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