Whether these are actually made of recycled newsprint rather than virgin
cellulose, I'm not sure. The people at Environmental Building News
would know (http://www.ebuild.com/)-- you can search back issues, and
the people at what used to be GREBE in Montana which is now called
something else would know. EBN also produces a building products
catalog which lists sources of building materials made out of recycled
materials or using other more eco-friendly techniques. The folks at EBN
are extremely knowledgeable. I highly recommend their hefty monthly
newsletter to anyone interested in environmentally responsible design
and construction.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William P. McGowan [SMTP:6500kai@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, April 08, 1999 12:40 PM
> To: multiple recipients of
> Cc: greenyes@earthsystems.org
> Subject: [GRRN] news print used for insulation
> Dear GRRNers,
> Does anyone know if they still make home insulation out ground up
> newsprint. Seems to me there was a company in Martinez, CA called
> WeatherCheck that did this--does anyone know of any other company in
> the
> country that does this?
> Bill McGowan
> Rincon Recycling
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