[GRRN] job posting

Thu, 25 Mar 1999 18:15:39 EST

Corporate Advisor Job Opening
Please Post

</div>Position open until filled

The Coastal Rainforest Coalition works to protect the ancient rainforest o=
British Columbia by redirecting US markets to ecologically sound alternati=
The Corporate Advisor will work with Fortune 500 companies to implement
commitments of old-growth free procurement policies. This person will not
necessarily need to re-locate. Salary isnegotiable. (Please visit our webs=

Skills and abilities:

Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Excellent interpersonal and group facilitation skills.
Good personal time management skills.
Good negotiating and conflict resolution skills.
Good strategic and tactical thinking skills
Experience working within corporations
Knowledge of ecological alternatives to wood

Responsibilities include:

Developing and refining an implementation template
=B7 Consulting tocompanies, consultants, and others
=B7 Designing amodel implementation procedure

Developing and organizing a network of consultants
=B7 Identifyingindividuals and organizations working on ecological alterna=
=B7 Determiningthe capacity for involvement in this process

Developing a series of databases for corporate reference
=B7 Develop adatabase of resources (consultants, reports, databases, etc.)
=B7 Develop adatabase of alternative suppliers (or establish links to one)
=B7 Develop adatabase of producer and supplier companies with eco-grades

Facilitating initial corporate planning to implement old growth
=B7 Providetemplates and structure for their planning process
=B7 Involveappropriate consultants who will be involved thereafter

Tracking progress of companies towards ultimate objectives
=B7 Identifybenchmarks, objectives and timelines for each company
=B7 Track progresstowards achievement of these
=B7 Intervene whennecessary to restore progress

Assisting corporate campaigners when necessary to obtain corporatecommitme=
=B7 Describe theimplementation process and its benefits
=B7 Participate inmeetings with internal corporate managers when necessary

Supervising interns working on solutions related projects
=B7 Provide jobdescriptions, work plans, and performance evaluation
=B7 Providesupervision, feedback, and reinforcement as appropriate

Advising and participating in funder meetings to support thisfunction
=B7 Identifyindividual high donor, corporate, and foundation funding prosp=
=B7 Assist inwriting proposals, meetings with prospective funders, and fol=

To apply:
Send Resume, cover letter, and reference to: CRC, 2180 Dwight Way,Suite B,
Berkeley CA 94704, or email to: donna@coalition4bc.org.
