Re: [GRRN] Cost to recycle aseptic packaging

Roger M. Guttentag (
Tue, 23 Mar 1999 02:46:56 -0500

At 04:18 PM 3/9/99 -0600, you wrote:

>Does anyone know of some good data on the cost to collect, process

>at a MRF and then market aseptic packaging? A collector/MRF operator

>here in Wisconsin is looking into this at the request of some

>communities. I went to the Web pages of the Aseptic Packaging Council,
but the site had no information on the costs.


>John Reindl, Recycling Manager

>Dane County, WI


Dear John:

The marginal cost to process aspetic packaging I think is very dependant
on the design of the MRF that is considering adding this material to its
mass flow. For example, is there room to add another sort station and
holding bins? How much material wil be delivered daily? Is there
available capacity on the baler? What is the marginal revenue that will
be generated by adding aseptic packaging? Will it be sufficiently robust
to support making any necessary modifications to facility or operations
without requiring additional processing fees? Once the company has the
marketing specs for the material and the estimated quantity to be
processed it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out the rest.


Roger M. Guttentag


Read <italic>Recycling in Cyberspace</italic> in Resource Recycling

March, 1999 topic - Big City Recycling

April, 1999 topic - Multimedia searching