[GRRN] Submitted to the NYC Council

Marjorie Clarke (mclarke@shiva.hunter.cuny.edu)
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 14:03:27 -0500

Bill suggested

>[Here is the resolution introduced in the Los Angeles City
>Council today addressing the introduction of hard-to-recycle
>plastic beer bottles. Is your city or county loosing money
>on plastics recycling? Feel free to show it to YOUR city
>council members.... -- Bill S.]

I've submitted it to the Env. Protection Committee of the NYC Council.

Everyone should also be aware that Intro 482, recently introduced by the
City Council endeavors to make a number of requirements of city agencies on
the topic of environmental procurement and agency waste prevention
practices. A copy of the legislation can be viewed at:
http://everest.hunter.cuny.edu/~mclarke/WPComm.htm A fact sheet for this
has also been developed and is available at this site.

The Waste Prevention Committee of the Manhattan Citizens' Solid Waste
Advisory Board (co-author of the bill) is actively seeking positive
testimony from anyone who wants to provide some, enumerating anything that
might help sell this to the City Council (and the Mayor). For example, if
any of the provisions in our bill are already in law somewhere else, Please
let us know! If anyone can produce economic or environmental arguments,
that would also be appreciated. A public hearing has not yet been set, but
it won't be any earlier than Feb. 5. Please send testimony on Intro 482 to:

Steve Simon
c/o Councilmember Stanley Michels
Rm 400
51 Chambers St
New York, NY 10007

(email: michels@csu.council.nyc.ny.us )

and please copy me as well. Thanks for your help.
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Marjorie J. Clarke
Environmental Scientist and Consultant

New York City Phone & Fax: 212-567-8272