[GRRN] "Greening the Campus: Institutional Environmental Change at

Aaron Allen (aallen1@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu)
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 10:20:17 -0500

* Sorry for Crosspostings *

I am pleased to announce that my study, "Greening the Campus: Institutional
Environmental Change at Tulane University," is finally revised and up on
the web. You can visit it at:

The executive summary and the table of contents are available in text /
HTML format. The rest is in Adobe Acrobat format (there are instructions
for viewing individual chapters of interest or the entire study). Also,
note that the there is a link to the syllabus for a course (being taught
this semester) which is using the study as a primary text.

I hope you find the work useful. Please contact me if I can be of any
