GreenYes Digest V98 #80

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Fri, 22 Jan 1999 17:31:54 -0500

GreenYes Digest Tue, 31 Mar 98 Volume 98 : Issue 80

Today's Topics:
GreenYes Digest V98 #78
NRC Board nominations
Plasma Torch Waste Incinerators
Plastics and Recycling
Tyvek and Power of the Internet

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Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 07:48:08 -0700
From: "Katharine P. Bennett" <>
Subject: GreenYes Digest V98 #78

Regarding the Augusta, GA student who was expelled from school for wearing
a Pepsi t-shirt on a day when Coke was visiting the school, Dave Biddle
wrote the following:

<<For those who missed the Pepsi challenge in Coca Cola High School, in all
fairness to the Coke execs they didn't even know Mike Cameron was wearing
a Pepsi uniform. He was expelled by the school principal. >>

This may be so, but for all we know, the principal was pressured into it.
After all, if Coke REALLY wanted to do the right thing, they would have
issued a public appology to the kid and demand that the suspension be

But, as to the following:

<<As a one time expelee for wearing a dress over my Levis to protest "no
slacks for girls" policy (it was purely political I assure you!) and then
a year later for dressing in Alice Cooper make-up and garb (1973), I must
say that those were formative years for me! If we can figure out how to
contact Mike Cameron, soon we'll probably have one more zero waste advocate
in the tribe...maybe even be able to convince him to run the campaign to
get Coke to use P-C plastic...or better yet, to get Pepsi, that bastion of
Republican-made sugar water, to one up their arch rival.>>

I couldn't agree more!

But this corporate influence in American public schools has been going on
for a long time. The makers of Gushers candies once promoted free samples
of their candy (soft and chewy with a liquid center), encouraging science
teachers to pass them out, stating that they were good demonstrations of
how geysers and volcanos work! It's bad enough that McDonalds is in the
lunchrooms and that Pepsi gets to put billboards on public school buses.
The real questions are: what kind of advertising is being passed off as
education for our kids? and what are we, the taxpayers and voters going to
do about it? Schools take in this kind of garbage because there's money
attached to it.

Kat Bennett


Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 09:33:24 -0600
From: Sonya Newenhouse <>
Subject: NRC Board nominations

To GreenYes Listserv:

The deadline for nominations for the National Recycling Coalition Board is
Friday, April 3. I encourage people to run who would represent the efforts
of grassroot organizations and nonprofits. Please contact me if you would
like to be endorsed by the Nonprofit Recycling Council of the NRC.

If you would like more information or to be considered for the 1998-99
Board of Directors Slate, please contact the NRC at 703/683-9025 ext. 406
to request a nomination packet. All nominations must be received by the
NRC office no later than 5:00 pm EST on Friday, April 3, 1998. Faxed
nomination forms cannot be accepted.

Sonya Newenhouse
Chair, Nonprofit Recycling Council

Director, WasteCap Wisconsin
P.O. Box 152
Madison, WI 53701-0152
tel) 608.280.9294 fax)608.280.9295


Date: Mon, 30 Mar 98 12:56:13 -0500
Subject: Plasma Torch Waste Incinerators

Listmembers, I received this request for help, but know nothing about Plasma
Torch waste incineration. Any takers out there? Please respond directly to Larry
Winslett. Thanks a bunch!

______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: Plasma Torch Waste Incinerators
Author: "Larry W. Winslett" <> at INTERNET
Date: 3/21/98 6:31 PM

Dear Amy, I picked up some info on the web that you know a lot about haz
waste disposal. I am desperately seeking any info I can find about
Plasma Torch waste incineration. Our county commissioner is negotiating
to bring one to our community (Dahlonega, Georgia). He claims it is the
answer to our landfill problems. However, from what I've learned these
systems were developed for haz waste disposal, not household garbage.
I'm afraid we will be getting something very different from what we are
being told. Any info would be would be appreciated. Sincerely, Larry


Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 11:45:17 -0600
From: "RecycleWorlds" <>
Subject: Plastics and Recycling

The 3/30/98 issue of Plastics News has two articles and an editorial
that bear on pressures that, if accentuated, could make the virgin
plastics industry more inclined to act to improve recycling of plastic

One article describes an effort by 11 state attorneys general to
investigate PVC in toys:

11 States Scrutinize PVC Toys
WASHINGTON (March 27, 12:20 p.m. EST) -- Eleven state
attorneys general
are taking a close look at the use of PVC in toys, citing
concerns raised by
Greenpeace that the toys contain hazardous levels of lead
and cadmium.

Another article describes the American Plastics Council new poll that
continues to find significant public concerns with the environmental
impact of plastics -- while showing a growing appreciation of
plastic's strengths as a package. It also makes the interesting
observation that this poll chose to not repeat the particular
environmental problems question that last fall's poll showed over 60%

The editorial, "Industry take heed of tobacco's battle," points out
that the plastics industry could find itself in the same position as
tobacco if any of the environmental claims made by Greenpeace -- which
the editors discount -- take hold. "Perhaps tobacco desrves that fate.
But pause for a moment and imagine that plasitcs adversairies applied
the same dogged determination to prosecuting some segment of this
industry [read PVC]."

Peter Anderson
RecycleWorlds Consulting
4513 Vernon Blvd. Ste. 15
Madison, WI 53705-4964
Phone:(608) 231-1100/Fax: (608) 233-0011


Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 23:26:19 EST
From: RePSYCHO <>
Subject: subscribe



Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 14:01:10 -0500
From: "Bill Sheehan" <>
Subject: Tyvek and Power of the Internet

Excerpt from Jerry Powell's column in the March Resource Recycling:

"Immediately after the Tyvek ads hit the newsstand and mailbox, recycling
professionals registered their concerns with DuPont and the magazine
publishers. However, this registration did not happen through traditional
communications channels, such as imploring trade associations to lead the
charge, or distributing a fact sheet to recycling executives.

"No, the word instantly got out because many of recycling's leaders are
connected through computerized E-mail systems. Within days, thoughtful
comments from these folks were received by DuPont executives.

"What was surprising was how fast the word got around and how fast DuPont had
to address the issue. ... This happened so fast that the key trade
associations, which typically react in a more methodical manner, had no role."

Bill Sheehan
GrassRoots Recycling Network
P.O. Box 49283
Athens GA 30604-9283
Tel & Fax 706-208-1416


End of GreenYes Digest V98 #80