Today's Topics:
Fwd: Job Opening
Fwd[3]: Your mama...
Recycling rehaul=20
The David Muchnick Rehabilitation Fund
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--- Loop-Detect: GreenYes:98/89 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 19:45:59 EDT From: CRRA <> Subject: Fwd: Job Opening
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Background The Iowa Recycling Association (IRA) was founded in 1988 and today has 240 professionally diverse members and a 13 member Board of Directors focused on promoting cost-effective recycling activities in Iowa. The IRA provides a forum to learn about waste reduction and recycling issues, affect recycling efforts in communities and workplaces, and access and exchange resources and information.=20
Job Description The IRA is currently taking applications for a full time Executive Director. This position will implement project goals as outlined in the IRA/State of Iowa Landfill Alternatives Financial Assistance grant, work toward position sustainability, and fulfill other association duties as directed by the IRA President. Project goals include; identifying and establishing statewide recycling education priorities, developing and promoting key waste reduction and recycling messages, coordinating and disseminating recycling education information, increasing membership and partnering opportunities with key public and private entities, and performing all related public relations activities.
The position will report directly to the President of the IRA and fulfill all project status reports as required.
The Executive Director may reside anywhere in Iowa.
Qualifications Bachelor=92s degree or equivalent combination of education and experience. Minimum of 3 years program implementation experience including public relations, marketing, budgeting and supervisory responsibilities. Excellent communication skills both written and verbal. Strong computer skills. Understanding of environmental & economic sustainability concepts. Waste management and/or fundraising experience a plus. Valid drivers license, clean driving record and reliable vehicle.
Salary Annual salary range mid to upper 30=92s, dependent upon experience, plus benefits. This is a 3 year contract position funded through a State of Iowa Landfill Alternatives Financial Assistance grant.
To Apply Any interested individual or organization should submit a resume, cover letter, and references by May 1, 1998 to Andy Ockenfels, President, IRA, 3 East Benton, Iowa City, IA 52240. For more information visit the Recycle Iowa website at Questions may be directed to Andy Ockenfels at 319-351-2848.
The IRA is a non-profit, equal opportunity employer.
Date: 08 Apr 98 15:47:00 -0400 From: Subject: Fwd[3]: Your mama...
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____________________Forward Header_____________________ Subject: Fwd[2]: Your mama... Author: Horace Morancie Date: 4/8/98 3:40 PM
Have a good day!
____________________Forward Header_____________________ Subject: Your mama...
YO' MAMA's SO STUPID........
She spent twenty minutes lookin' at an orange juice box because it said "concentrate."
She has one toe, and bought a pair of flip flops.
She put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to makeup her mind.
She got stabbed in a shoot-out.
She told me to meet her at the corner of "Walk" and "Don't Walk".
When the computer said "Press any key to continue", she couldn't find the "Any" key.
She thought 2Pac Shakur was a Jewish holiday.
When I was drowning and yelled for a life saver, she said "Cherry or Grape?"
She tried to put M&M's in alphaebetical order.
She sat on the TV and watched the couch.
She thought St. Ides was a Catholic church.
She sent me a fax with a stamp on it.
She was on the corner giving out potato chips yellin' "Free Lays!"
She tried to drown a fish.
She thought a quarterback was a refund.
She got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.
If you gave her a penny for her intelligence, you'd get change.
They had to burn down the school to get her out of third grade.
She took a spoon to the Super Bowl.
That under "Education" on her job application, she put "Hooked on Phonics".
She thinks socialism means partying.
She tripped over a cordless phone.
She took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.
That at the bottom of the application where it says "Sign Here," she put "Sagittarius."
She asked for a price check at the dollar store.
It takes her 2 hours to watch 60 minutes.
If she spoke her mind, she'd be speechless.
She stands up on an empty bus.
She studied for a blood test and failed.
She thought Boyz II Men was a daycare center.
She thought Hamburger Helper came with another person.
She thought Meow Mix was a record for cats.
She thought she needed a token to get on Soul Train.
She invented a solar powered flashlight.
She sold the car for gas money.
When she saw the "NC-17" (Under 17 not admitted) sign, she went home to get 16 friends.
When she heard 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved.
She went to Dr. Dre for a pap smear.
She thinks Taco Bell is where you pay your phone bill.
She ordered a cheeseburger from McDonald's and said, "Hold the cheese".
When she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 twice instead.
When she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said, "Airport left", she turned around and went home.
She peels M&M's to make chocolate chip cookies.
She got locked in Furniture World and slept on the floor.
When she got to the empty 4-way stop, she waited for the other 3 cars to get there.
She died before the police arrived because she couldn't find the "11" button to dial "9-1-1."
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 13:55:38 -0700 From: Carolyn Chase <> Subject: Recycling rehaul=20 Return to regular view
Recycling rehaul By Jane Kay EXAMINER ENVIRONMENTAL WRITER Monday, April 06, 1998 =A91998 San Francisco Examiner
URL: 6/ recycle.dtl
Caught up in a do-gooder decade, Californians are about to recycle their 100 billionth can or bottle this month, state officials say.
Laid end to end, the containers would stretch around Earth more than 350 times.
Not one of the recycled beer or soda pop containers has ended up in a landfill, say state Department of Conservation officials.
"Believe it or not," said Bill Armstrong, market research manager in the Division of Recycling, "the law requires that if processors intend to take the used containers to a landfill, they have to ask me for permission first.
"In the five years that I've been doing this, none of it has gone to a landfill. Not to my knowledge," said Armstrong.
At a rate of 19,000 containers a minute, Californians are recycling 80 percent of the glass, aluminum and plastic tagged with the state redemption logo, according to the state Division of Recycling.
Breaking all other state bottle recycling records, Californians have reused enough bottles and cans to spare landfills six weeks' worth of the state's garbage.
Plus, the energy saved by not having to make new containers from raw materials would be sufficient to provide power to 28 million people, state officials= say.
Businesses that use the discards to make new containers and other products are gobbling up all the aluminum and glass. Manufacturers say it costs less to fashion products out of the recycled stuff. Using the raw material requires a higher heat, thus more energy.
Plastic containers, called PET after their ingredients, aren't so desirable. But, officials claim, most of the plastic is sent out of the country and returns in products from carpets to fleece jackets.
"The aluminum market is on the strong side, and improving. You can recover the special alloy, and use it again easily," said Armstrong.
"Every single bit of the glass that we collect in the state is used by manufacturers to make new products. About 90 percent of that glass is made into new beverage containers or big bottles, including wine and other foods from California's agricultural market. Most of the rest goes to fiberglass insulation," he said.
"Very little of the plastic is used in the state. Most goes out of the country. Manufacturers chop it, melt it and flake it into bits, then run it through a process whereby they make fibers out of it. The fibers are just like cotton. You can make clothing and fleece and other fiber-fill."
In California, 7.4 million households, or 70 percent of the state, carry out bottles and cans to curbs in 504 city programs. More than 2,000 recycling centers are located in the state, most within a =93-mile radius of large supermarkets.
The Division of Recycling has counted all the returns since the program began with the passage of the "bottle bill," the Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986.
Under the law, consumers are charged 2=93 cents on small bottles and= cans and 5 cents on containers larger than 2 liters. When people return the containers to recycling centers, they get back the money. Customers pay in $345 million, and get back $280 million in returns, which leaves $65 million.
While many states have similar redemption fees, California is the only state charging container manufacturers and beverage producers processing fees of a half-cent on glass and 1 cent on plastic.
The money raised from both consumer and manufacturer fees is used to offset costs of city curbside programs and recycling centers.
The Department of Conservation figures the state will reach 100 billion containers "some time this month" after figuring out the weight -- and how many containers there are per pound -- for aluminum, glass and plastic.
Environmentalists love the bottle bill that they fought for a decade ago and have waged annual campaigns to expand it since 1987 with little success.
"The program's working great as far as it goes," said Mark Murray, executive director of Californians Against Waste in Sacramento.
"The problem is that it's covering only a portion of the beverage containers. Right now it includes beer and carbonated soft drinks. That's about half of the beverage world," Murray said.
"People are drinking iced tea and coffee, fruit juices, bottled water, wine and liquor. None is covered under the program."
This year, Californians Against Waste is hoping the Legislature will expand the the redemption program and is supporting a bill in the works by Assemblywoman Debra Bowen, D-Torrance, that could double the amount of containers in the program.
In addition, Murray would like to see a higher redemption fee placed on plastic bottles, which have seen a drop in recycling from 71 percent of all containers in 1994 to 58 percent in 1998, compared to 71 percent for aluminum and 67 percent for glass. According to Murray, studies show that a higher fee will make customers less likely to buy products that come in plastic bottles.
Container manufacturers and beverage producers don't want more containers added to the must recycle list and also object to the current manufacturers' fee, saying it costs too much.
The Wine Institute, a trade group of 424 companies, has long voiced objections to the program, which doesn't cover wine bottles.
"We have been strongly opposed. It's not the best way," said Wine Institute legislative representative Mike Falasco.
"We think curbside is more convenient. We believe there can be devised a mill tax (charged to the manufacturers) on a whole array of recyclable materials. The amount would be so low that you don't need to get your money back. With the assessment, we want to subsidize curbside programs and regional sorting centers."
Gov. Wilson opposes adding new types of containers to the existing program, which he has generally criticized. He would like to see a sliding scale for the manufacturers' processing fee, higher for materials that don't have successful recycling rates and lower for those that do. For now, Larry Goldzband, director of the Department= of Conservation, is planning a slew of new recycling bins throughout the state and praising California consumers. "From Fort Bragg to the Coachella Valley, from Catalina Island to the Sierra Nevada, Californians should congratulate themselves for reaching this milestone," Goldzband said.
=A91998 San Francisco Examiner
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 12:19:06 EDT From: TRASHBUSTR <> Subject: The David Muchnick Rehabilitation Fund
Dear Friends:
I hope you will give your consideration to the following letter. It speaks for itself. Thank you. David Hurd
The David Muchnick Rehabilitation Fund c/o Jonathan Davis, Esq., Robinson, Karp & Davis, P.C. 65 Walnut Street, Suite 590 Wellesley, MA 02181
April 3, 1998
Dear Friend:
Last November, David Muchnick, the founding president of Bronx 2000, was stricken with a very sudden, rare and nearly fatal blood disorder. Fortunately, the illness did not take his life, but it did take both his= legs.
The good news is, David has made great strides in his recovery. After spending months in hospital beds, David has moved into a temporary, wheelchair-friendly apartment and is learning how to live independently once again. He is about to begin out-patient rehabilitation to prepare for his prosthetic legs and learn to function with them. He is in great spirits, bringing his trademark optimism and persistence to this new challenge. You may have seen the story of his unusual misfortune and courageous efforts to, literally, get back on his feet on CNN or in The New York Times.
All his life, David has worked to improve the lives of others -- providing decent and affordable housing, creating jobs and job training opportunities, and developing innovative, environmentally-friendly businesses and= industries that integrate inner city neighborhoods with the mainstream industrial economy. In choosing this path, David sacrificed his own personal gain to ensure that others had the means to grow and succeed.=20
Now, David needs our help. While he is ready to rise to the challenge of learning to walk again, David is having difficulty making ends meet on his disability income. His insurer is not covering all of his medical expenses, and the government disability benefits barely cover basic living expenses. = In order for David to focus on his rehabilitation, so that he can get= prosthetics and walk within the year, he needs financial help.
A gift to The David Muchnick Rehabilitation Fund will help David meet his medical and living expenses during this time of transition and allow him to focus his incredible energies on rehabilitation so that he can climb the 25 steps that lead to his real home. Gifts of any amount will help. Gifts can be made payable to The David Muchnick Rehabilitation Fund and sent in care= of Jonathan Davis at the address above. If there are others who you think may= be able to help David meet this new challenge, please feel free to copy this letter and send it along.
Unfortunately, gifts to the fund are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions. However, gifts to the fund are "present interest" gifts for gift tax exempt purposes. =20
Thank you, in advance, for your generosity. With a little help from his friends, David will be back in action before long.
Steven A. White, Chairman Bronx 2000
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