Today's Topics:
PVC Bans
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Loop-Detect: GreenYes:98/114
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 16:48:16 -0500
From: "David L. Turner" <>
Subject: listswerve
I suggest that when responding to a message that one
investigate how to send the response without including the
original posting. I get the digest version and the often
see the same message (often a LONG one) repeated several
times with comments like "I agree wholeheartedly." Some
software packages are unwieldy or uncooperative, but most
have a feature that allows replies that do not include the
original message.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I didn't get a harrumph from that man!
The Gov in "Blazing Saddles"
David Turner
YSI Safety & Environmental Coordinator
1725 Brannum Lane
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
Phone 1-937-767-1685 ext. 270
Facmetaphor: 1-937-767-9353
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 14:16:30 -0500
From: "RecycleWorlds" <>
Subject: PVC Bans
According to 4/98 Plastics in the Environment: "Spain has opened
another round in the war over soft PVC in toys by formally applying to
the EC to ban its use in toys throughout the EU under the General
Products Directive of 1992, as an emergency mesaure to 'limit the risk
of phthalates in toys for young children'." ... [R]umours also
abounded of there being talk within the EC of withdrawing some PVC
toys from sale because of safety concerns arising out of the recent
report on the subject by the EC Scienitic Committee on Toxicity."
Peter Anderson
RecycleWorlds Consulting
4513 Vernon Blvd. Ste. 15
Madison, WI 53705-4964
Phone:(608) 231-1100/Fax: (608) 233-0011
End of GreenYes Digest V98 #114