Today's Topics:
Executive Director posting
Treated Wood
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--- Loop-Detect: GreenYes:98/112 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 22:17:20 -0500 From: "GAVIN" <> Subject: Executive Director posting
The North Shore Ecology Center (NSEC) is seeking a qualified candidate to serve as Executive Director. The preferred candidate will submit a business plan for the development of community based environmental protection programs and a detailed plan to fund them. Preferred candidate will be business oriented with work experience in the environmental field. Recycling, solar energy, and household hazardous product education programs are our main focus, other environmental initiatives will be considered. Qualified candidates shouls submit a resume, business plan and a funding proposal to Ms. Emily Kirby, 964 Greenbay Road, Winnetka, IL 60093 DEADLINE: September 1, 1998
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 05:21:09 -0400 From: "Bette K. Fishbein" <> Subject: listserve
I agree with Lynn Leopold's comments on Greenyes---I too find it very informative. A major problem however is that there is too much material to sift through. This is a particular problem for people who travel and come home to find 10 digests waiting for them. I suggest that an effort be made to use attachments more effectively. For example, job openings could be described in one paragraph and all the application forms could be an attachment so those not interested in this dont have to scroll through the forms. Any long documents could also be handled as attachments. Bette= Fishbein=20
Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 13:08:08 EDT From: IRU GROUP <> Subject: Treated Wood
Greetings Chris Cloutier, hope my late response - is not to late.
Regarding "very simple question"....
Not so simple!!
Myriads of questions, ranging from type of treatment, species of wood, size= of wood, decomposition state, local, regional, state R & R's.
There are a number of co- generation plants permitted to burn "treated"= wood, ties, posts, piles, beams, etc. Teated =3D contamination. Contamination= always requires definition. What is a land fill waste frequently can be feedstock extender, if the inquisitive parties know what to look, what to ask, how to quantify, qualify and identify opportunities.
If you have additional information to share, please do so.=20
Good Luck, Gene
Eugene F. Davis President/CEO
IRU Group Natural Resource and Environmental Consultants, Planners, Engineers and Construction Managers PO Box 11017 Eugene, Oregon 97440
541. 344. 9454 =95 Fax 541.344.7862 =20
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