Today's Topics:
"Strict Mandates on Recycling"
Recycling in high-rise/ multifamily dwellings -Reply
Soaking Self Adhesive postage stamps
Visiting Florida
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Loop-Detect: GreenYes:98/244
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 08:21:10 -0500
From: "Bill Sheehan" <>
Subject: "Strict Mandates on Recycling"
>Coke notes proudly that they use plastic bottles with
>recycled content, as well as environmentally preferable
>refillable bottles, in other countries, due to "strict
>governmental mandates on recycling."
[Does anyone] have details about the
*strict mandates on recycling* which drove Coke to use
recycled content in other markets. Are there actually
recycled content mandates that apply to Coke in Australia,
for instance?
[Does anyone know of good internet sources of info?]
Helen Spiegelman
3570 West 22nd Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 12:50:42 -0500
Subject: Recycling in high-rise/ multifamily dwellings -Reply
I am responding to your e-mail sent on 11/17/98. EPA funded an
analysis to look at the costs, diversion rates and characteristics of
multifamily recycling programn in the U.S. The analysis was performed
by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and Ecodata, Inc. The analysis has
been completed and the Executive Summary of the report will be
available from the U.S. Conference of Mayors in December. EPA is
publishing the full report which will be available in January. To obtain a
copy of the Executive Summary, you can e-mail Gail Oliver of the U.S.
Conference of Mayors at "". If you would send
me your address, I will put you on the mailing list for the full report.
Also, Barbara Stevens wrote a summary of the results from this
analysis in the April 1998 issue of Resource Recycling magazine.
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 22:11:30 -0800
From: Myra Nissen <>
Subject: Soaking Self Adhesive postage stamps
OK, I soaked a canceled self-adhesive postage stamp that was attached to
an envelope for 20 minutes and it was almost ready to come off. I peeled
off the remainder of the adhesive. 25 minutes would probably work
better. The adhesive seems to separate from the paper envelope and
Try it yourself.
Myra Nissen
The Sutta Co.
1221 Third St.
Oakland, CA 94538
Frederick P. Bradford wrote:
> "Roger M. Guttentag" wrote:
> >
> > Here's a web reference which claims that self-adhesive stamps can be soaked
> > off:
> >
> >
> >
> Thanks Roger.
> I assumed the self-adhesive stamps could not be soaked. For those interested,
> the above site simply says that the new stamps take about 20 minutes
rather than
> about 5 to soak.
> -Fred Bradford
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 20:08:11 -0800
From: Myra Nissen <>
Subject: Visiting Florida
I will be visiting southern Florida next week. Anyone know of any
recycling facilities or materials exchanges over there that would be fun
to visit?
Myra Nissen
The Sutta Co.
Oakland, CA
End of GreenYes Digest V98 #244