State: $1.34 per ton - funds California Integrated Waste Management
Board activities
County: Countywide Integrated Waste Management Fee (AB 939 Fee):
$1.30 per ton - distributed to local jurisdictions to fund waste
County Solid Waste Planning Fee: $0.42 per ton - funds regional
facility & diversion planning and some regional diversion outreach
City: Disposal Facility Tax: $13.00 per ton - all to General Fund
Solid Waste Enforcement Fee: $0.58 per ton - funds Local Enforcement
Agency facility inspection and permitting, plus storage and collection
enforcement (this fee applies to *all* tons delivered to disposal and
processing sites; the other fees do not apply to soil and inerts
used on site, or materials that are composted or recycled).
The Disposal Facility Tax is not used to fund recycling activity, but it is
enough to result in significant diversion in the private sector (as well as
appears to be tax avoidance that does not relate to legitimate diversion).
From: Recyclemi
To: Skip; greenyes
Subject: Funding Recycling
Date: Monday, May 05, 1997 8:16AM
A Michigan House of Representatives Committee will soon be taking up an
important bill. HB 4037 eliminates flow control and mandatory solid waste
planning, and also leaves resource recovery in a corner of the basement.
Michigan Recycling Coalition is trying to bring recycling issues back to the
Among other things, we may advocate for a statewide surcharge on landfill
tipping fees. The funds would be redistributed to support resource recovery
projects, initiatives, and research. Information on ways other states fund
recycling initiatives would be helpful to our cause. I am interesting in
hearing the actual $ amounts of disposal surcharges, taxes, and other
innovative ways to fund recycling.
Thanks a lot!
Kerrin O'Brien
Executive Director
Michigan Recycling Coalition
(517) 371-7073