Re: Cambell Prof
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 17:09:28 -0500


Thanks so much

As it turns out they plan to ask LYNN Scarlett -- which will be much better!!

A known quantity -- she does her homework, but I can still politely disagree
with some of her conclusions.

yes the even playing field that exactly what I always talk about!

I talk about what if tip fees were $150/.ton -- and what if energy costs go
up etc.

I have all the reports but I want to bone up a little as Lynn is sharp.

Thanks again

Stayi n touch!!


At 06:43 AM 8/21/97 -0700, David A. Kirkpatrick wrote:
>Michele -
>He just recycles the Porter, Tierney, et. al. rhetoric
>about only do it if it is economic (while not recognizing
>that our current market framework subsidizes virgin
>materials use and mixed waste disposal.)
>Just make the point that with a level playing field,
>recycling vs. solid waste collection and disposal or
>recycling vs. virgin materials extraction
>is very often a profitable, cost-effective activity and would
>be more so if current extraction/disposal subsidies were
>See the site for the Tierney rebuttal in full for
>more responses to his arguments, if interested.
>Let me know how it goes.
>David Kirkpatrick
>At 04:21 PM 8/20/97 -0400, Michele Raymond wrote:
>>Tell me about the Campbell prof -- I'm going on the radio live Sat with him!!
>>Thanks (And yes the topic is does recycling cost or not)
>>michele Raymond
>>301/ 345-4237
>>Fax 345 4768
> good works for the good earth
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