On October 6 the White House is hosting the White House Conference on Climate
Change: Impacts of Global Warming, in Washington, DC . To accommodate
interested parties around the country, the White House will be providing a
one-way satellite feed to approximately 28 cities. The conference is
scheduled to begin at 10 am EST with Vice-President Gore introducing President
Clinton, who will speak for 20 minutes. Through the course of the day
different panels will cover the science, emissions reduction technology, and
the Kyoto conference with concluding remarks by Gore. In each of the
satellite link-up sites, their will be local panels to talk about the same
issues. Climate Countdown is working to generate a turn-out of climate
change activists at each event to deliver the message that we need action now
to reduce greenhouse pollution. The sites for satellite
participation follow:
Regional NGO Contacts for White House Conference Satellite Events
And Schedules Where Available
(version: email, 30 Sep 97)
(please contact cfarmer@nrdc.org with additions!)
(new versions posted daily of this increasingly unwieldy list)
(please pass on to folks who can use it and might not be on CAN-Talk!)
State, City; Location:
Contact: Organization, contact info
AL, Tuscaloosa; University of Alabama, Ferguson Theater:
Dr. Ed Passerini: Alabama Environmental Council, 205-348-8416
AR, Little Rock; University of Arkansas:
AZ, Tucson; Pima Community College, 401 N Bonita, Room A-109:
The workshop will be from 1pm to 4pm on Monday October 6. The first
45 minutes will be devoted to a tape made from the White House
conference downlink, and the rest will be for audience discussions and
brief talks. Contact EPA Region 9 Marty Robin (415) 744-1278 or (415)
744-1077 (fax) by October 1 to RSVP.
AZ, Phoenix; definitely CANCELLED.
CA, San Francisco; Golden Gate University, upstairs auditorium (on
Mission Street between First and Second):
JoAnn Potrzuski: Green Corps, 415-351-2017, fax: 415-351-1811
CA, Los Angeles; University of California, Kerckhoff Hall, Charles
Young Grand Salon:
Beka Economopolous: Green Corps, 310-397-5270 x3326, fax:310-391-0053,
CO, Boulder; University of Colorado, CIRES:
8-10:45 Satellite downlink panels 1-2; 10:45-12:30 Local science
12:30-1:30 Satellite downlink panels 3-4;
John Sanders: Green Corps, 303-573-7474 x302, fax:303-573-3780,
CT, Middletown; Wesleyan University, Rm. 150, Science Tower, Corner of
Pine and Church St., 10am-4:15pm:
Norman Willard, EPA;
Gary Yohe, Wesleyan University;
Ellen Thomas, Wesleyan University;
William Naehring, Connecticut College;
Johann Vareamp, Wesleyan University;
Professor Johan Vareamp (860) 685-2248, jvarekamp@wesleyan.edu
Sierra Club-SSC.
Green Corps at Yale?
FL, Miami; Dade County Commission Chamber:
Steve Murchie: EIC, 954-563-6112, fax:954-563-6116,
GA, Atlanta; Georgia State University, Rialto Theater, 80 Forsyth St.
at Luckie:
Doors open at 9:00am; Press conference hosted by US-CAN at 9:15 in the
10am-1pm: Satelite feed of White House teleconference followed by
local panel of experts and Q&A.
Erin Englebrecht: Green Corps, ph/fax: 404-733-5634,
Marnin Robbins: NWF, 404-2608, soeast@nwf.org
Rita Kilpatrick: Campaign for a Prosperous Georgia, 404-659-5675,
IL, Chicago;
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago Illini Union, 828 S.
Wolcott, Chicago Rm C;
8:30-11:45 Satellite downlink, 1:00-2:15 Local panel, 2:15-2:45
Kate Alexander: GC, 312-341-0954, fax:312-986-0604,
IA, Des Moines; Des Moines Area Community College Building 6
2006 S. Ankeny, 50021:
8:45-11:30 Satellite downlink Panels 1-2, 11:30-12:30 Local panel:
Dr. Gene Tackle, ISU;
Dave McCalley, Center for Energy and Environmental Education;
Sharon Tahtinen, Bureau of Energy;
Cathy Wollums, MidAmerican Energy Company;
1-2 Satellite Panels 3-4, 2-3:30 Wrap-up;
KS, Kansas City; EPA Region 7 Hearing Room, 726 Minnesota Ave:
8:45-11:30 Satellite downlink Panels 1-2, 11:30-12:30 Local panel:
Dr. Richard Nelson, KSU;
Ken Midkiff, Sierra Club;
John Noeller, MO DNR Dept Energy;
Robert Berkebile, BNIM Architects, Inc.;
Cathy Ghandehari, DOE;
1-2 Satellite Panels 3-4, 2-3:30 Wrap-up;
LA, New Orleans; Tulane University, University Center, Kendall-Cram
Marylee Orr, EIC, 504-928-6460, fax:504-895-5958
Lela Neff, Alliance for Affordable Energy, 504-525-0778,
MA, Medford; Tufts University, Science and Technology Center:
Local panel:
William Moomaw, Tufts;
Lawrence Susskind, MIT;
Paul Epstein, Harvard School of Medicine;
Adil Najam, Boston University;
Arthi Varma, Green Corps, 401-861-6012, fax: 617-292-8057,
MA, Woods Hole; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Redfield
9-5, Local Panel:
Dr. George Woodwell, Director, Woods Hole (Invited);
Dr. Jerry Melillo, Marine Biological Laboratory (Invited);
John Farrington, Judy McDowell, and Graham Giese, Woods Hole;
MI, Ann Arbor; Univ. of Michigan, Pendleton Room, UM Union, 530 S.
State Street:
Mary Addison, EIC, 517-336-0141, fax:517-337-0738,
Ken Miller, NWF, 313-769-9970, midwest@nwf.org
NH, Durham; The New England Center:
9-5; Local panel:
Dr. Barrett Rock, Dr. John Aber, Dr. Eleanor Abrams, Dr. Thomas Kelly,
Ken Colburn, NH Department of Environmental Services;
Dr. Barry Keim, NH State Climatologist;
Dan Latourette, NH State Global Warming Program;
Dr. Steve Winnett, EPA;
Susan Sargent, EIC, 207-582-7041, fax:207-582-8849, ssargent@gwi.net
NV, Reno; Truckee Community College:
Dan Geary, EIC-Las Vegas, 702-259-0300, fax:702-258-6431,
NJ, Piscataway; Rutgers, The State University Busch Campus Student
Center, Bartholomew Road:
Ben MacConnell, Green Corps, 908-247-4606, fax:908-220-1179,
NM, Albuquerque; University of New Mexico Institute for Public Policy:
No NGO contact;
try Meeting Coordinator Dr. Hank Jenkins Smith at UNM, assistant is
Ann Landy.
or Steve Thompson, EPA Region 6.
NY, New York City; Columbia University, International Affairs
Building, Dag Hammarskjold Lounge, 6th floor:
Gina Kim, EIC, NYPIRG, 212-349-6460, fax:212-349-1366
NY, Albany; Cornell University (Cooperative Extension):
Gina Kim, EIC, NYPIRG, 212-349-6460, fax:212-349-1366
NC, Raleigh; North Carolina State University, McKimmon Center for
Professional Education (corner of Western Blvd. and Gorman Street):
No NGO contact;
try Dr. Bob Bruck, Assistant Vice Chancellor, NC State University.
OH, Cleveland; Great Lakes Science Center, 601 Erieside Ave.:
9:30 Introduction; 10-12:30 Satellite downlink panels 1-2;
1-2 Local panel; 2-2:45, Q&A; 2:45-3, Closing;
Amy Ryder, EIC, 216-861-5200, fax:216-694-6904,
OR, Portland; Veterans Administration Medical Center, 3710 SW Veterans
8:30-4pm. contact Ken Brooks at Portland EPA (503) 326-3250:
Jaime Mackline, NWF, 503-231-5418, western@nwf.org
Joe Walicki, Oregon Environmental Council, 503-222-1963
PA, Pittsburgh; Carnegie Mellon or University of Pittsburgh or
Community College:
Matt Rand, EIC, 215-567-4004 x222, fax:215-567-5791,
Puerto Rico, San Juan; Metropolitan University Campus Theater, Road
176 Rio Piedras:
TN, Knoxville, University of Tennessee:
Mary Liz Knish, EIC, 615-321-5075, fax:615-321-5082, christl@edge.net
Dr. Stephen Smith, Tenn. Valley Energy Reform Coalition, 423-637-6055,
TX, College Station, Texas A&M University:
Peter Altman, SEED, 512-479-7744, pete@greenbuilder.com
Tom Smith, Public Citizen, 512-477-1155, smittypubcit@greenbuilder.com
TX, Austin: University of Texas-- student rally, no downlink site.
Scott, public citizen, 512 477-1155 or peter altman, SEED Coalition,
512 479-7744.
UT, Salt Lake City, University of Utah, Skaggs Hall:
Jonathan Slemmer, University of Utah, jwslemme@atmos.met.utah.edu,
(801) 322-5175.
VA, Williamsburg, Virginia Marine Institute:
Donna Shell, EIC, ph/fax:804-232-8612, rdshell@erols.com
WA, Seattle, NOAA, 7600 Sandpoint Way, NE, Building 9:
8:30-8:40 Introduction; 8:40-10:15 Satellite downlink science panel;
10:15-11:45 Local panel:
Arunn Jhaveri, Mayor, Burien;
Dan Bodansky, UW Law School;
K.C. Golden, Department of Community Trade and Economic Development;
Stan Price, Northwest Energy Efficiency Council;
Dennis McLerran, Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency;
Sara Patton, Northwest Conservation Coalition (invited);
1-3 Satellite downlink, panels 2-3; 3-5 Northwest breakout sessions,
Peter Blair, Green Corps, 206-523-8985
WV, Charlestown, CANCELLED?.