GreenYes Digest V97 #274

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GreenYes Digest Thu, 13 Nov 97 Volume 97 : Issue 274

Today's Topics:
Alkaline battery recycling (2 msgs)
Computer Recycling/Demanufacturing
WASTE: Alkaline battery recycling

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Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 08:33:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Boston CWA 486 <>
Subject: Alkaline battery recycling

Global here in MA would be happy to have your business. If the
alkalines include older types with potential mercury issues, they will
distill them and recover the mercury, but it is very expensive. If they are
all newer no-mercury-added, they ship them "elsewhere", in which case why
pay for double transportation...
BCTI in TX is only place I know of that actually does the recycling
of plain alks. After heating to drive off volatiles, they shred and ship.
To where, for what use? Anyway, they seem to be your cheapest option, but
it would be hard to trust them. It would need very careful research with
TNRCC etc.
If anyone finds out more about where these materials actually go and
what happens to them, please post. We could also use some practical advice
on how to sort newer from older-merc alks.
Steve, please post a summary of what you've learned, after the dust
Keith c/o
37 Hastings St., #206-IA
West Roxbury, MA 02132

Computer Specialists
InterNetWorking, Public Access & Participation
Environmental Review
total recycling - zero waste
W.Rox/Boston, MA USA

Global Recycling Technologies, 218 Canton St, Stoughton, MA 02072
781-341-6080 fax-6088 Amy Feider, Accounts Mgr
sample quotes for 100# alkaline batteries, 3 program options:
-secure landfill $.65/lb
-newer mercury-free recycle elsewhere .85
-older w/some merc recycle (distill etc) here $5.50
(these prices include local transportation and all applicable tracking
They are branching out into ever more things, also handle electronics scrap?

BCTI - Battery Conservation Technologies, Inc. Pecos, TX 800-999-9549
915-447-3272 fax-3038 successor to RRI
alkaline $.35/lb
NiCad .50/lb
mercury/lith $5.30/lb
recycling on site except NiCad at INMETCO
previously: R & R: Recovery & Reclamation, Inc, Pecos, TX

At 10:37 AM 11/11/97 -0600, wrote:
>Does anyone have any leads on companies (preferably in the Northeast) who will
>recycle alkaline batteries collected by a company here in New York City?
>Steve Hammer
>Hammer Environmental Consulting
>5294 Sycamore Ave.
>Bronx, NY 10471
>tel: (718) 548-5285
>fax: (718) 548-5257


Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 12:36:18 -0600
From: Susan Snow <>
Subject: Alkaline battery recycling

When companies recycle batteries, do they actually recycle the heavy
metals in the battiers, or do they burn them in incinerators?

I ask this because household batteries are accepted at household
hazardous waste collections in Louisiana. It is my understanding that
the company that collect these batteries and other hazardous materials,
combines them with used motor oil and sends them to Texas or offshore to
be burned as fuel in cement kilns or ocean-going ships.

Susan Snow

> Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 18:03:40 -0800
> From: Myra Nissen <>
> Subject: Alkaline battery recycling
> Try ENSCO West. I haven't heard from them in a while, the company used
> to recycle alkaline batteries:
> 408-369-0799 (Kay Herbal)
> 310-631-2330 Rancho Dominguez office
> Myra
> wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone have any leads on companies (preferably in the Northeast)
who will
> > recycle alkaline batteries collected by a company here in New York City?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Steve Hammer
> > Hammer Environmental Consulting
> > 5294 Sycamore Ave.
> > Bronx, NY 10471
> > tel: (718) 548-5285
> > fax: (718) 548-5257
> >
> ------------------------------


Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 11:10:37 -0800
From: Victor Aguiar <>
Subject: Computer Recycling/Demanufacturing

Robin -- I've recently been told about two companies that work with
recycling of logic boards and other electronics. Do you (or does anyone
else) know of:

Gary Catalano

Zak Enterprises
Kurt Schenk

-- Victor

>EPA's Common Sense Initiative has been piloting a computer
>recycling/deconstruction project in San Jose for the past month. Tom
>Bartel, from Unisys Corporation, is the Project Leader, and might be
>interested in speaking. He, or Leah Jung (from Vista Environmental), could
>give you information on the results of the pilot. They also may be able to
>provide you with a case study, if you're at all interested in cooperative,
>public/private approach, in addition to the individual company approach.
>Tom can be reached at (602) 224-4221 or at
> ----------
>From: CRRA
>To: RMoore; Jango; GreenYes
>Subject: Re: Computer Recycling/Demanufacturing
>Date: Wednesday, November 05, 1997 2:13PM
>CRRA is organizing workshops for March 1998 on the issue of Reuse and
>Recycling of Electronics (both computers and brown goods).
>We have been monitoring all the discussions on sources of info on computer
>recycling and will try to summarize that info for our packets. Thanks to
>everyone who has commented so far - this info has been great!
>We also hope to identify good speakers and case studies from California on
>this subject in the next couple of weeks. If you have any ideas for
>in California, please let me know ASAP!
>Gary Liss
>CA Resource Recovery Association


Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 19:29:59
From: Gino Schiona <>
Subject: subscribtion



Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 09:22:04 -0500
From: "Barbara Schaefer" <>
Subject: WASTE: Alkaline battery recycling


Try calling Chemserv (The Battery Broker) at 1-800-263-4949. I
believe they are based in Hamilton, Ontario.

Barbara Schaefer
University of Toronto

> From:
> Date sent: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 10:37:54 -0600 (CST)
> To:
> To:
> To:
> Subject: WASTE: Alkaline battery recycling
> Send reply to:

> Does anyone have any leads on companies (preferably in the Northeast) who
> recycle alkaline batteries collected by a company here in New York City?
> Thanks.
> Steve Hammer
> Hammer Environmental Consulting
> 5294 Sycamore Ave.
> Bronx, NY 10471
> tel: (718) 548-5285
> fax: (718) 548-5257
> -
> message sent by
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End of GreenYes Digest V97 #274