Today's Topics:
[Fwd: Re: GBlist: Green Schools]
Global Warming on the web
Gloom & Doom
Green Dot
GreenYes Digest V97 #305
Refutation of the economic disaster from global warming
Zero Waste
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Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 13:25:00 -0500
From: Cindy/Mike Shea <>
Subject: [Fwd: Re: GBlist: Green Schools]
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My apologies in advance to those on the GreenYes site who may not be
interested in green architecture. Personally, I think the new
environmental studies center at Oberlin College, designed by Bill
McDonough, is what all our educational facilities should someday aspire
Cindy Pollock Shea
Promoting Sustainable Development
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Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 12:55:39 -0500
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You might want to pass this link along to the list, I have unsubbed for the
Peace. Anne Boyes
At 04:27 PM 12/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Are you familiar with the new Environmental Studies Center at Oberlin
>College that was designed by Bill McDonough and Partners? It will have
>a living machine, classrooms, offices, auditorium, atrium, resource
>center, meeting room, and kitchen. I'm not sure if the project is on
>Bill's website yet, but if you want to check, try
>I also recall some impressive First Nation's schools designed in
>conjunction with UBC. Ray Cole should have info. Good luck and keep us
>informed about what you're planning.
>Cindy Pollock Shea
>Promoting Sustainable Development
>This greenbuilding dialogue is sponsored by CREST <>
>Environmental Building News <> and Oikos <>
>For instructions send e-mail to
Date: 15 Dec 97 10:38:23 EST
From: Robert Graff <>
Subject: Global Warming on the web
Available on the web is a recent report on the close relationship between
energy efficiency, global climate protection, and economic prosperity.
The document was researched and written jointly by the Alliance to Save
Energy, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, the Natural
Resources Defense Council, the Tellus Institute and the Union of
Concerned Scientists.
A press release is below. The entire document may be found at:
Robert Graff - Associate Scientist - Tellus Institute
11 Arlington Street - Boston, MA 02116 USA
phone: (617) 266-5400 x276 - fax: (617) 266-8303
email: - web:
Groundbreaking Energy Innovations Study Shows Prosperous Path to Global
Climate Protection
Less Costly, Cleaner Energy Benefits the Environment and Economy
Washington, DC, June 17 -- By 2010, U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide, the
chief global warming pollutant, could be cut to 10 percent below 1990
levels while national energy costs are reduced by $530 per household
annually and nearly 800,000 additional jobs are created, according to a
groundbreaking new report released today. These benefits can be attained
through smart policies that stimulate the introduction of innovative
technologies to use energy much more efficiently and to tap domestic
renewable resources.
The study's findings are critical for consideration at this month's
summit meetings in Denver and New York, where global warming will be a
major topic as climate talks enter their pivotal final stage prior to the
Kyoto climate summit December deadline.
The study, Energy Innovations: A Prosperous Path to a Clean Environment,
paints a picture of a healthier and more secure energy future for the
United States. Backed by in-depth engineering and economic analysis, the
study demonstrates the benefits of choosing an Innovation Path, rather
than remaining on the Present Path of inefficient, fossil-fuel dependent
energy production and consumption.
Energy Innovations was researched and written jointly by the Alliance to
Save Energy, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, the
Natural Resources Defense Council, the Tellus Institute and the Union of
Concerned Scientists. Working together for nearly two years, independent
energy policy experts from these organizations gathered data and used
government analytic models to assess the effects of different policy
options on the economy and environment.
The study documents our Present Path predicament in which energy supply
and use is a burden on the economy and harmful to the environment.
Alternatively, an Innovation Path is presented, which offers strategies
that would guide the economy toward more secure, lower cost, less
polluting ways of producing and using energy. New incentives, better
standards and market mechanisms would be employed to promote greater
energy efficiency and cleaner energy resources in cars, homes and
business. These measures would generate cost savings and channel
investments toward ever cleaner and more efficient technologies.
"This report serves as a roadmap on how to address the threat of global
warming, while creating new jobs and lowering energy costs," said Alden
Meyer, Director of Government Relations for the Union of Concerned
Scientists. "Now the question is whether the Administration will have the
political courage to take on the polluting special interests and protect
our children's future."
Fossil fuel consumption is the primary cause of the 30 percent increase
in the concentrations of carbon dioxide measured by scientists in the
earth's atmosphere. This pollution buildup is causing global climate
change that, left unchecked would spread the frequency and severity of
heat waves, floods, droughts and storms; disrupt crops, forests and
ecosystems; spread disease and undermine economies and communities.
"President Clinton has recognized that a greenhouse world is no place to
nurture our children," said Dan Lashof, Natural Resources Defense Council
Senior Scientist. "Now he must lead the United States and the world onto
an innovation path that will cut greenhouse pollution even as it grows
the economy."
Once incorporated into the country's energy policies, the benefits of the
Innovation Path are significant. Analyzed against the continuation of
current U.S. energy trends, the dividends in 2010 include:
Reduction in fossil fuel dependence
Renewable energy delivering 14 percent of energy needs
Carbon dioxide pollution reduced by 10 percent below 1990 levels
National energy costs reduced by $530 per household annually
Creation of 770,000 new jobs
"Three concerns -- our environment, our economy and our security --
compel us to rethink the current U.S. energy strategy," said John
DeCicco, Senior Associate, Governmental Relations for the American
Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. "With oil imports rising,
America is at risk from economic disruption or military conflicts due to
our dependence on imported oil," he said. "The Energy Innovations study
points the way to a more secure economy while protecting the
The key energy technologies that would become the cornerstones of the
Innovation Path include fuel cells, advanced gas turbines, integrated
green building designs, membrane technology, biomass fuels, advanced wind
turbines, and thin film photovoltaic modules. The final mix of
technologies will ultimately yield more usable energy and less pollution
from each ton of coal, barrel of oil or cubic foot of natural gas. The
shift from the dependence on fossil fuels will be orderly as the country
moves to an increasing percentage of renewables.
The study takes special note of the opportunities presented by the
emerging regulatory changes taking place in the electricity industry. The
treatment of environmental and energy efficiency policies in the context
of utility restructuring is critical to the nation's chances of
curtailing global warming and spurring economic growth.
"In the race to greater competition in the electric utility industry, it
is crucial that restructuring be handled so that environmental gains are
not lost," said David M. Nemtzow, President of the Alliance to Save
Energy. "If restructuring of this industry is not handled right,
environmental, economic, national security, and other benefits of clean
energy would be at peril. Energy efficiency and renewable energy must
play a leading role in restructuring legislation and upcoming climate
change talks."
"The policies analyzed here, will provide impetus for the kinds of
technological innovation, learning and diffusion, needed to ensure
sustainable development of our economy and society in a sustainable
world," says Steve Bernow, Director of the Energy and Environment Program
at Tellus Institute. "This will reflect both continuity, in our
traditions of creativity, inventiveness and practical ingenuity, and
change in our transition to a more modern and cleaner technological basis
for our economy."
Moira O'Leary (202) 452-9539
Alden Meyer (202) 332-0900
Kara Saul (202) 530-2203
Daniel Lashof (202) 289-6868
John DeCicco (202) 429-8873
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 16:11:21 EST
Subject: Gloom & Doom
In a message dated 12/14/97 12:08:05 PM, you wrote:
<<Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 08:33:35 -0500
From: "Blair Pollock" <>
Subject: Refutation of the economic disaster from global warming
Anyone know of a neat, concise, elegant scenario that rebuts all those who
are claiming gloom and doom will result from significant reductions in
fossil fuel use/greenhouse gas production? I have to fit it into an 800
word document. There must be a site out there.....
I don't know of a site speciffically, but you might try looking up "Solar
Energy" and speciffically the people who run the Real Goods catalog.
What I am getting at is the concept of replacing fossil fuels with solar
energy. When I was a graduate student back in the mid 70's - the era of the
first oil embargo - some of my group were working on alternative and
sustainalbe energy sources. They concluded that solar cells would be the best
long range solution, and that it was just a matter of spending the money
required to make them cheap. Since then the price of solar cells has dropped
some 15 fold, and if it does that again, solar energy would become the
cheapest energy source available. There has been talk about how most solar
technology seems to be bought up by oil companies who are saving it up for
when they run out of oil, but I suspect the Japanese, who seem to be ahead of
everyone in this field, are not selling anything....
I've always felt that had we followed through with the proposal to develope a
national energy policy in the late 70's - something Carter wanted and Reagan
did not - and had we made it a big defense and balance of trade issue back
then, we might well have spent the billions to wipe out our trade deficit
(without oil imports we would stop exporting our dollars and would be a much
richer country.) eliminate the primary source of world wide pollution, and we
would not have a greenhouse problem.
Many people think the solar solution is kooky - but if you talk to the
experts it much more reasonable than what we are doing! What astonishes me is
that no one is talking about this????
Then again, as with everything else, it is all politics and business.
Afterall we do have a multi trillion dollar infrastructure based on fossil
fuels and to overcome the momentum of that, both physically and politically,
does take lot's of time. But I am aware that the Auto industry does not like
the oil companies, and although they've been forced to build electric cars,
they do see the handwritting opn the wall, and I bet you they will be pushing
solar energy before too long.....
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 14:00:10 -0500
From: Cindy/Mike Shea <>
Subject: Green Dot
In theory, Germany supermarkets (and now other retailers) will only
stock items that carry the Green Dot. If a company hasn't paid the
licensing fee to guarantee take back and recycling of the packaging, the
product isn't supposed to be sold. Obviously free riders have been a
major problem and were one of the reasons the program almost collapsed
in 1993. A new materials-specific and weight-adjusted licensing fee and
stricter enforcement have helped. For more details, try the Duales
website at Many on the staff speak good
English and will likely be happy to help. Duales also has a PR firm,
Kohtes & Klewes Umweltkommunikation, that makes reports available in
English. Despite problems with the system, I think the approach has
revolutionized thinking about producer responsibility and initiated the
current debate on extended product responsibility. It has also
revamped German packaging and increased the demand for cost-effective
recycling technologies.
Cindy Pollock Shea
Promoting Sustainable Development
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 11:25:48 EST
From: "David L. Turner" <dturner@YSI.COM>
Subject: GreenYes Digest V97 #305
Recently written on this listserv:
>...Bad things will just happen to stupid businesses who
>aren't willing to read the writing on the wall. Will our
>economy take hits? Yes. THIS economy will, but the economy
>of tomorrow will be fine.
While I fully understand that this is an informal
conversation, and we may speak to the outside world
differently, I still find it troubling that the attitude
frequently taken is that the people in companies and
governments and the general population are somehow stupid,
greedy, mean, nasty, evil, or in some way defective in
character. I do not believe that the reality is that great
changes in people's attitudes or behaviors are going to
occur overnight, even if they suddenly and miraculously get
the appropriate green religion. Millennia of cultural
experiences and behavior patterns take time to change.
Complex economic systems cannot react quickly either. The
people in the organizations of this world are not, I feel,
on average bad people. It is often a matter of perspective.
We can make a difference by providing information to
people to help them see another perspective. Attacking them
and expecting immediate, radical, and uncomfortable (to
them) change doesn't help that vision, but does undermine
efforts to improve things. The economy of tomorrow will be
OK I believe, but the pain of the change will be great to
many people, and the experience of the pain will be real as
well as an impediment to the very change we want to see.
Consequently I urge the softening of rhetoric while
maintaining the enthusiasm for improvement. You can catch
more bees with honey... (or, as my grandfather said, "You
can slide farther on s**t than on sandpaper.")
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profit is the result and reward of
doing things right and doing the right
things. Therein lies the balance.
Randy Berger, Comdial Corporation
David Turner
YSI Safety Coordinator
1725 Brannum Lane
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
Phone 1-937-767-1685 ext. 270
Facmetaphor: 1-937-767-9353
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 13:18:38 -0500
From: Cindy/Mike Shea <>
Subject: Refutation of the economic disaster from global warming
You might want to try Chris Flavin has been
documenting economic gains from efficiency and renewables for 20 years.
Time magazine even asked him to contribute an article to their Kyoto
coverage. When I sent an e-mail to ABC News saying how
disappointed I was in their pessimistic coverage of the Kyoto
accord, I reminded them that the US economy grew by 1/3
between 1973 and 1986 while energy consumption remained
constant. Europeans have a high standard of living despite fuel prices
3-5x those in the US. And European and Japanese manufacturers have
great, and soon to be much better, markets for their energy-efficient
cars and appliances. Only in the US, where sports utility vehicles and
light trucks are now number one sellers, and not covered by fuel
economy standards, have we seen CO2 emissions rise considerably in
recent years. (Developing countries also have rising emissions, but for
different reasons.)
Cindy Pollock Shea
Promoting Sustainable Development
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 9:01:00 -0600
From: Herbert Scheller-AHS003 <>
Subject: unsubcribe
Hi, I tried to unsubscribe from this list - with no success. Please delete my
e-mail address now.
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 13:30:15 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Zero Waste
Great article on Zero Waste in your Dec. 8th issue.
Zero Waste recognizes materials use as it should be--products designed and
engineered from the beginning to be reused or recycled. Now our efficient
economic engine fails us after product use, the end of life for that
material, and an enormous waste. Let's rethink the whole manufacturing
process through to reuse or recycling. A new industrial revolution!
Jeanne Davies
End of GreenYes Digest V97 #306