GreenYes Digest V97 #19

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GreenYes Digest Wed, 5 Feb 97 Volume 97 : Issue 19

Today's Topics:
Recycling book party (Boston, Feb 20)
San Diego Earth Times February 1997

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Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 09:56:04 -0500 (EST)
From: Frank Ackerman <>
Subject: Recycling book party (Boston, Feb 20)

Island Press and Tellus Institute invite you to a celebration of the
publication of Frank Ackerman's book, "Why Do We Recycle? Markets,
Values, and Public Policy," at Tellus Institute in Boston, Thursday
February 20, 4:30 PM.

The book is an exploration of the economic and environmental significance
of recycling, drawing on extensive studies performed by the author and
others at Tellus Institute, a nonprofit research institute. Written in a
lively, accessible style, it is essential reading for anyone interested in
the contemporary debates about recycling.

The event on Feb. 20 will include brief remarks by the author (who is now
at Tufts University), and by representatives of Tellus Institute and
Island Press. Refreshments will be provided; signed copies of the book
will be available.

Directions: Tellus Institute is at 11 Arlington St., facing the Public
Garden in downtown Boston. By public transportation (recommended), take
the Green Line to Arlington, then walk a few short blocks north along
Arlington St.

If you are planning to attend, RSVP, by February 17 if possible, to Stacy
Gorevitz at Island Press, 202-232-7933, or, so
we can be sure to have enough books -- and refreshments -- for the crowd.

(For information about a related event at Tufts University on February 21,
e-mail to Laura Goss,

More information on Island Press and "Why Do We Recycle?", including the
text of the Publisher's Weekly review, and ordering information, are
available at

An excerpt from Island Press' press release follows:

In Why Do We Recycle? Frank Ackerman explains that a solely
market-driven assessment of recycling is short-sighted. He instead
suggests a different kind of decisionmaking, one that addresses
social issues, future as well as present resource needs, and
non-economic values that cannot be translated into dollars and
cents. While it is important to make recycling as cost-effective as
possible, explains Ackerman, "there are serious long-run issues
concerning resource use and environmental degradation, which
recycling seeks to address. Many crucial environmental values are
not reflected in market prices, so the short-run profitability of
local recycling programs is not the only measure of success."

Drawing upon unpublished research conducted by the Tellus
Institute, a nonprofit environmental research group in Boston, and
replete with lively anecdotes and examples, Why Do We Recycle? is a
comprehensive look at the social, economic, and ethical
underpinnings of recycling, with chapters on such topics as:
* the history of recycling
* market incentives
* the irreconcilability of market and environmental perspectives on
* costs and benefits of municipal recycling programs
* packaging policy
* Germany's "Green Dot" recycling program
* container deposit ("bottle bill") legislation
* organic waste reduction and composting

Throughout, Ackerman seeks to answer the question posed in the
title of the book- why do we recycle? He shows the benefits of
recycling in preventing environmental degradation- to avoid the
need for new landfills and incinerators; to lessen the need for
virgin materials; to reduce pollution from material extraction and
manufacturing; to prevent litter; and to reduce landfill emissions.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of recycling, Ackerman concludes, is
immeasurable: "the practice of recycling pushes us in the right
direction, toward the development of the technologies of sustainable
material use, and toward the creation of less materialistic, more
socially and environmentally engaged ways of living."

[Apologies for multiple copies of this message, if you're on several of
the lists, and for unwanted mail, if you're far from Boston. If there
were a way to eliminate duplicates or restrict this message to New England
recipients, I would do it. -- Frank Ackerman]


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 10:25:43 -0700
From: (Carolyn Chase)
Subject: San Diego Earth Times February 1997

Table of Contents
San Diego Earth Times February 1997
Available now at locations throughout SD County at on the web at:
This month, we take a look at regional conservation and land use efforts.

Cover: Female adult northern goshawk, by Steve Fettig.

Conservation from an eagle's eye view
-Raptor Rapture in Ramona 4
You can still see golden eagles as you drive into Ramona, but for how long?

-Golden eagles losing ground in the county 6
What effect will local conservation plans have on San Diego's resident

-County faces contempt hearing over land use changes 7
The Board of Supervisors is forging ahead with plans that could open
the back country to development.

-Meet local birds of prey and raptor experts 2/19 + 2/20 7
Charismatic wildlife biologist Steve Hoffman from HawkWatch
International in Salt Lake City will be here to report on "The Status of
Birds of Prey in the West." supported by local experts Dave Bittner (Golden
Eagle Project), Fred Sproul(Iron Mountain Conservancy) and Mike Klein
(Imperial Beach Bird Fest).

-The Devil is in the Details 8
Conservation activists meet on the MSCP. Everybody agrees change is
needed, but is this the best we can do?

-New Think: the cartoon 8 "We're Stealing"

Living Environment
-Keep it clean! 10
Part of our series on creating an environmentally friendly home or
office, this month we suggest tips for cleaning and maintenance.

Health and Diet
-San Diego alternative healing schools: pioneers to the future 12
A look at San Diego's alternative healing schools, working to
integrate the best of western, eastern and inner practices.

-Had any green Mexican food lately? 14
Michael Oshman takes you with him on a satisfying trip for the taste
buds and the soul.

Observations from the Edge by Robert Nanninga
-Tofu surprise and coyote cries 18
Our resident eco-radical confronts the realities of the food chain.

San Diego Earth Day
- Earth Day is for lovers 15
-Come to a volunteer intro on Weds, Feb 19, 7:30pm La Jolla YMCA OR
Tuesday, Feb 25, 7pm Pacific Beach Christian Church 1074 Loring St.
More info: 496-6666

- Earth Times Marketplace 15
- February Organic Gardening Tips 17
- February calendar of Earth-Friendly Events 16
- Classified Ads 19

If you do not have access to a web browser,the land-use stories may be
emailed to you upon request.

Please support the SD Earth Times....use those coupons!


End of GreenYes Digest V97 #19