Today's Topics:
Africa network
carpet recycling (4 msgs)
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Date: Wed, 5 Feb 97 22:05 EET
Subject: Africa network
Please be so kind as to read this document, and assist in any way you can -
supporting it; helping fund it; or passing it onto interested parties.
At the Marrekech meeting of World Humanity Action Trust, held early in 1996,
one of the identified weaknesses within the African context was poor
communication - with this in mind, I propose the setting up of an Africa
specific network.
(a song of triumph or exultation)
The proposed People And Environment Africa Network is an attempt to build
communication channels amongst and between people, particularly
Non-governmental and Community based organisations, as well as governments,
involved with population and environment issues, with the specific aim of:
transfer and exchange of relevant and useful information; the minimising of
duplication of research; the sharing of Africa-specific solutions; and
acting as an accessible central database for relevant information, all
contributing to a sustainable environment.
The premise: That overpopulation places pressures and strains on the
environment, and that a degraded environment is an accepted push factor in
both over-population and migration. These effects can be minimised by
informing, educating and assisting people in creating an environmentally
sustainable lifestyle.
Needs Analysis: The following statements generally hold true for most
African countries.
1) Many Africans are working in isolation, with much duplication, and
limited access to useful, locally applicable, information and research.
2) Modern communication tools are often not available - Internet and the like.
3) The sharing of appropriate and alternative technologies is minimal.
4) The sharing of traditional and indigenous knowledge is also minimal.
5) Gender issues are key to helping solve problems - in birth rates,
environmental pressures, and so on.
6) It is generally agreed that local solutions work best.
I believe that we will be able to network, in the first year, something in
the order of 1000 contacts - all such contacts will be encouraged to network
with like minded contacts on issues of mutual concern. PAEAN will
continually update members with new information, gleaned from various
sources, including network members themselves.
It is envisaged that a Web site will be set up, with relevant information
available - this will be updated on a regular basis. We might have to look
at partially subsidising those participants that do not have access to
computers / modems / Internet connections. This will be analysed as and when
the participants respond to the (draft) questionnaire below.
Those who are unable to access the Website will receive a reference document
containing pertinent information. As it will be quite a substantial
document, it is envisaged that it will be published every two months.
We will need to look at how we can assist organisations in accessing the
Website, should they have access to a computer, for example, but no modem.
Draft Sample Questionnaire:
Name of Organisation:
Contact Details:
Work carried out by your organisation:
Specific environmental work carried out by your organisation:
Number of employees / volunteers:
Geographic areas of involvement:
What communication tools do you have access to:
Computer Modem
Internet access
Would you be interested in networking on sustainable environment and
alternative / appropriate technology issues and information?
Other questions may be added, as I plan to hold a workshop with a few
interested parties on both the network and the questionnaire. It is also
envisaged that after th first year, attempts will be made for the network to
be self funding, or at the very least, requiring less funding on a
diminishing basis, through possibilities such as commercial enterprises or
NGO's that may wish to promote their products or services to the proposed
I trust that you will be supportive of this project, and bring to bear any
further assistance you may be able to. Please do not hesitate in contacting
me should you require further information or clarification.
With Kind Regards
Muna Lakhani
Supportive Documentation:
Tentative Budget: (1st Year) R101 250
Amount Raised To Date: R20 000
The United Nations Development Programme has shown strong support for this
network, and are processing the proposal at present. However, it would be
unrealistic to depend on any one source of funding for success, so it was
determined that the network exist under the umbrella of a website, created
specifically for Africa Specific information, contributing to a sustainable
environment ; this implies that people or organisations with legitimate
contributions to this end will be entitled to have access to this umbrella
website, as a seperate listing.
PAEAN (as described above) will exist on the same "homepage", allowing people to
access information that is relevant to them. (See draft headings attached)
It is envisaged that recyclers, for example, would find this a handy way to
make information on collection points, for example, or specific areas within
which a need exists; and so on...
It's like advertising on the Internet, but for Africa Specific information.
You are also invited to sponsor pages within PAEAN, in return for which you
will have a logo and a direct link to your home page. Do contact me about
costs, if required.
List of Supporters of PAEAN to date:
United Nations Development Programme
(Reference: Hans D'Orville - New York)
World Humanity Action Trust - United Kingdom
(Reference: Kay Sexton)
KZN Recycling Forum
(Reference: Michelle MacLean - Chair)
Durban Metro - Physical Environment
(Reference: Dr. Debra Roberts)
Aluminium Can Recycling Association
(Reference: Henning Viljoen - General Manager)
Ministry of Health - Niger
Nigerian Institute of Social & Economic Research
Dr. Gurmeet Bambrah - Kenya
Institute of Adult Education - Ghana
Dr. Fred Sai - Ghana
Prof. Uche Uke Uche - Nigeria
Dr. Jean-Claude Chesnais - Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques
Dr. June Goodfield - International Health and Biomedicine
Dr. Gary Merritt - USAID
Dr. Paul Seabright - Cambridge University
Ms. Jil Sheffield - President, Family Care International
It would be a pleasure to add the name of your organisation to the list.
Potential Headings: Comments and Additions would be most welcome!
Agenda 21 Agriculture
Energy Environmental Principles
Land Legislation Local Government
Marine Habitat
Permaculture Policy Pollution Publishers
Reduce, Re-use, Repair; Recycle; Rivers
Waste; including minimisation, reduction, resource, etc.
Something about the initator of this project - Muna Lakhani is a
businessperson, and a volunteer environmentalist. A member of Earthlife
Africa (local equivalent of Greenpeace); chairs the Committee On Pollution;
has been invloved in
OECD Green Goods conference in Norway (only African delegate); World
Humanity Action Trust Marrakech meeting (only South African delegate);
involved in National and Provincial Environmental Policy formulation; part
of the Integrated Pollution Control process; serve on the Executive of Keep
Pmb Clean Association; as well as on trusts set up to assist rural
entrepeneurs (SHADE); member of the steering committee to formulate
provincial waste management policy; and other similar work. There has been
an enthusiastic response from many role players to the proposal, which
serves to confirm the need for it.
Thank you for reading this document.
Kind Regards
Muna Lakhani
Mr. Muna Lakhani
Cellfax: 082-131-416-9160
28 Currie Road - Durban - 4001 - South Africa
Phone: +27-31-20-28-291
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 19:10:41 -0400
From: (Becky Herman)
Subject: carpet recycling
======carpets =======
Does anyone have information about carpet recycling? Looking for something
to do with about 200-500 carpets when students move off campus come May.
-----sorry for the multiple post-------
Recycling Coordinator
Grounds and Roads Dept.
21 Waterworks Rd.
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824-3519
PHONE: (603)862-3100
FAX: (603) 862-0139
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 22:25:00, -0500
Subject: carpet recycling
Dear Becky,
I do not know about local opportunities, but you may want to check
with the following carpet manufacturers (all deal with recycled
Talisman Mills, 800-482-5466
Carpet Cushion Associates, 800-344-6977
Dura Undercushions Ltd, 800-295-4126
Turtle Plastics, 216-791-2100 (Cleveland)
Image Carpets (this is the biggy, but unfortunately I do not have a
contact number. You may want to try 800 information. Many dealers
work with Image).
Another biggy: Interface.... again, I do not have contact
information (I believe they are in Georgia). Maybe someone else on
the list can help?
Good luck, and support end-use manufacturers,
Dave Reynolds
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:46:37 -0500 (EST)
From: Ann Sibole/Gerald Creason <>
Subject: carpet recycling
Hi, we have a sample of a parking lot structure some folks call a "dead
man" - you pull up to it in the parking lot. At any rate, it is made of
old carpeting tightly compressed and formed into a dense mass. I do not
know where we aquired the sample. Would be interested in hearing more
about this topic.
Ann Sibole
City of Ann Arbor Solid Waste Dept
On Wed, 5 Feb 1997, Becky Herman wrote:
> ======carpets =======
> Does anyone have information about carpet recycling? Looking for something
> to do with about 200-500 carpets when students move off campus come May.
> -----sorry for the multiple post-------
> -Becky
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Recycling Coordinator
> Grounds and Roads Dept.
> 21 Waterworks Rd.
> University of New Hampshire
> Durham, NH 03824-3519
> PHONE: (603)862-3100
> FAX: (603) 862-0139
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 02:50:44, -0500
Subject: carpet recycling
Oops! I just reviewed my post to you and recognized that I provided
you a list of suppliers, not collectors/brokers/end users. Sometimes
I get so scattered I forget where I am in the loop :-)
Anyway, back to your question: I have some local textile listings,
but I do not believe they will be of much help to you. I would
suggest local exchanges, or if you have a Web Browser, you may want
to check:
Recycler's World <> I know that they
have a textiles section, with a carpet subsection.
Global Recycling Network: <> They used to have
their own exchange, but they are now running the CBOT exchange, and I
do not know how extensive it is at this point in time.
Or, get in touch with the Carpet and Rug Institute in Dalton, GA at
Good luck,
Dave Reynolds
End of GreenYes Digest V97 #20