Re: Mandatory Summary

Peter Kidd (
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 17:00:02 -0500

David A. Kirkpatrick wrote:
> Correspondents -
> Many thanks to your messages on banning recyclables from landfills/
> mandatory recycling. I presented your comments in "internet testimony"
> at a city council meeting last night, as shown below.
> I would like to post this summary to greenyes/recycle@envirolink but I wanted
> to get OKs from each of you. If you have any objections, rewording to the
> text below, please email me by the end of the day Wednesday, March 5. That
> night
> I will post to those two listservs the approved version.

Hello David,

Thanks for the email. I enjoyed reading the results from other
communities. You excerpt from my message is fine and please include it
in your posting to the lists.

I still haven't had an opportunity to discuss my posting of my whole
message with my colleagues, but hope to do that in the near future.


Peter J. Kidd
Learning Materials Consulting Services
62 Coronation Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3N 2M6, CANADA
Phone & Fax: (902) 443-4262
Email: &