I have to respond to a chapter in a new book on the environmental impacts of
the service economy. In particular, the chapter discusses three industries:
logistics and packaged transportation (i.e., fed-x and UPS); Healthcare; and
Financial services. The article makes three general points: (1) service
companies have upstream leverage on suppliers; (2) service companies have
downstream leverage on consumers; and (3) environmentally responsible
production of services will have a direct impact on the environment.
I wanted to get peoples feedback on these points. I also want to see if
people have information or data on the waste generation
rates/types/quantities from these service sectors. Finally, I wanted to
pick your brains on thoughts for a regulatory/new approach to environmental
I look forward to hearing what you have to share. Thanks.
Please send your responses to Jodi Bakst at Bakst@mcnc.org