EPR for Plastics: Does it work?

Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:53:06 -0500



EPR for Plastics: Does it Work?

"Producer Responsibility for Waste Disposal of Plastics: Pro's and
Cons" will be the topic of a presentation from Michele Raymond, publisher of
Recycling Laws International, at the 17th Annual Pennsylvania Recycling
Conference May 5, in Harrisburg PA.
Raymond will discuss why "EPR" laws, now on the books in 25 countries,
have not necessarily "worked" for plastics, and why expanded deposits in the
U.S. may not produce the type of recycling markets that government and
environmentalists are looking for.
She will provide a theory as to why Germany, with its stringent
manufacturers responsibility law, has not actually reduced its overall
packaging since 1992, and attempt to sort through the positive and negative
hype to determine what might be learned from a policy standpoint.
For information on the conference, contact the Pennsylvania Resources
Council, 610/353-1555.
Raymond's paper will be posted on the Raymond Communications web site
after May 5; Address: http://www.raymond.com/recycle.
> The STATE RECYCLING LAWS UPDATE Year-End Edition 1997, also published by
Raymond Communications, will ship May 5.
> Information: 301/345-4235; Fax 301/345-4768; or E-mail michele@raymond.com