Below are three bits of verbiage aiming the define our efforts for your
Mary Tkach
Our vision for a sustainable future is ZERO WASTE. Zero waste is an
appropriate goal for society in that it conserves natural resources,
saves wilderness, creates jobs, requires ending welfare for wasting and
investing in reduction, reuse and recycling instead. ZERO WASTE
requires that manufactures design products for recycling and price
them to reflect full environmental costs. Finally, ZERO WASTE means
phasing out landfills and incinerators as disposal options.
Gary Liss:
The Grassroots Recycling Network (GRN) is an ad hoc coalition of
recycling activists, business people, environmentalists, waste facility
opponents and others dedicated to conserving our human and natural
resources. GRN members want to stop subsidies for mining,
harvesting and wasting our natural resources, and oppose practices
that transfer environmental liabilities to future generations. GRN
works to achieve a sustainable economy by advocating public and
private policies and programs to reduce, reuse and recycle discarded
Bill Sheehan:
The Grassroots Recycling Network is a network of recycling activists,
business people, environmentalists, waste facility opponents and other
conservatives who believe that our waste-based economy is radically
out of balance with the requirements of a sustainable future.
We have formed out of a common desire to advocate and implement
policies for a sustainable materials economy, and out of a sense that
industries that promote and profit from wasting have grown powerful
and deceptive.
We aim to tap into the incredibly widespread and durable view that
conserving resources is the right thing to do, and the bedrock
conservatism that says "waste not, want not."
We will expose the hype of those who have a vested interest in
WASTING: (burying or burning used resources):
Wasting competes with reuse, recycling and composting for the same
Wasting is not decreasing in most parts of the U.S. (despite apparent
increases in recycling);
Wasting currently depends on huge subsidies for extraction or
harvesting of raw materials, for manufacturing, for transportation, and
for landfilling or incineration;
Wasting in incinerators destroys materials and recovers far less
energy than recycling saves;
Wasting in new (dry tomb) landfills transfers most environmental
liabilities to future generations;
Reuse, recycling and composting can provide better disposal service
for our discards, at far lower cost than wasting -- if they can compete
on a level playing field. Waste prevention can eliminate the need for
many wasting services altogether.
The ZERO WASTE BY 2010 CAMPAIGN needs your participation to
end the Age of Waste.