Thank you. I really appreciate getting this information. What I would also
like to know is how Procter & Gamble, J & J, Kellogg, etc. comply with the
green dot program requirement to return packaging. This might give us a start
on how to ask other companies to do better.
Another side of packaging is the toxics in packaging. I am trying to pull
together some of the information on endocrine disruptors in plastic packaging
and other packaging. When all the information is in, we might find ourselves
all going back to refillable glass bottles.
Milk in refillable glass bottles ($1.25 deposti) is available at several
stores in Olympia, Washington. Those who insist on it say it is taste. I do
not know if dioxin is still found in milk packaged in bleached plastic
cartons. One of the main ways we are exposed to low levels of dioxin is in
dairy products themselves.
If you find a source for the information on how companies package export
products, please let me know.
Doris Cellarius