Today's Topics:
info request: landfill fees & recycling rates
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Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 22:02:55 -0700
From: (Northern California Recycling Association)
Subject: info request: landfill fees & recycling rates
To: Friends and Recycling Policy Gurus
From: Arthur R. Boone, Secretary,
Northern California Recycling Association (NCRA)
and for the Measure D Committee
Re: Correlation of Landfill Fees and Recycling Rates
In opposing a landfill expansion project here in Alameda County (Altamont
Two: 160 million ton capacity, to be owned and operated by Waste
Management of North America), our group (local activists who sponsored the
well-known county recycling initiative, Measure D (1990)) is concerned to
place in the administrative record ample evidence (studies, reports, etc.)
to demonstrate that lower priced landfills retard the growth of recycling
programs/activities. (WMX is arguing they need a big landfill to keep
their costs and our disposal fees down.)
While all of us have believed this proposition to be true and have said so
for years, and it makes sense (Economics 101, I think), we here in Alameda
County don't have the paper that could be cited as recognized authorities
to argue/prove this point.
The administrative hearing is set for Thursday, December 5th, in Oakland in
the morning. We do not want the same fate (losing) that befell the Spokane
anti-incinerator group several years ago.
Can you help us? Or pass our request on to someone who can.
Please let me hear from you. I can best be reached by phone at home
9:30-10:30 a.m. (Pacific time), 415-586-2198, or you can fax me at
510-655-9743. You can also leave a message at the NCRA office,
510-893-7066, write to NCRA at P.O. Box 5581, Berkeley, CA 94705, or e-mail
to I am a former social science and legal researcher and
am willing to chase down citations at the local law library, UC Berkeley
libraries, etc. Thank you.
End of GreenYes Digest V96 #32