GreenYes Digest V96 #54

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Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:11:17 -0500

GreenYes Digest Fri, 20 Dec 96 Volume 96 : Issue 54

Today's Topics:
(Fwd) Lack of waste in Germany... -Reply -Reply
Georgia Bottle Bill Endorsement
PET at Wal-Mart - in bottle bill states
PET at Wal-Mart - in bottle bill states -Reply

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Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 08:44:55 -0500
From: Chaz Miller <>
Subject: (Fwd) Lack of waste in Germany... -Reply -Reply

David Reynolds, in responding to my response about his comments about
integrated waste management writes (in part):

"When I talked about disposal facilities planning in my original
message, I was referring to future planning. Indeed, many of the
present facilities are facing a short term problem of unserved
capacity because of the factors you mention. Although many uncertain
variables remain, making future predictions difficult, we are in a
better position now. California is at the cutting edge of
measurement, and correction factors have been developed for
population and economic activity. Although we can not predict future
commodity prices and technology, legislative waste reduction goals
(in tandem with market drivers like materials utilization or minimum
content) along with information on population and economic factors
can be a good macro predictor of waste amounts. I believe that this
is more prudent than building facilities without bringing these
controlling factors into the discussion. Without integrated waste
management planning and a strategic approach to meeting waste
reduction goals (i.e., what is the best approach for a given
jurisdiction... something that is making waves in California),
facilities will be built with waste as a driver, and this is in
direct conflict with our goals."

Chaz responds: I don't think we particularly disagree except that I am not
convinced California is any more on the cutting edge than any other state
in measuring waste and making population and economic trend
adjustments. The proof is on the pudding on that one and the pudding
hasn't been baked yet.
I agree that the current policy approach puts waste in the drivers seat.
Kay Martin calls this a supply-side approach, which leads to the
construction of enormous disposal facilities that are bond-financed on
the assumption that the supply can be forced to come to the facility and
that the supply will be sufficient for a 20-30 year period. As Martin
points out, when disposal faiclities have to be fed, recycling and waste
reduction get the short end of the stick.
Her book is a stimulating discussion of solid waste policy and how we
need to (and can) get to a society that prioritizes waste reduction and in
which recyclability is a normal function of the manufacturing process.
Happy Holidays and May Your Recycling Markets Live Long and Prosper


Date: Thu, 19 Dec 96 04:45:04 PST
Subject: Georgia Bottle Bill Endorsement

[Forwarded, in response to the posted bottle bill endorsement by the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution last Sunday]

>We should send letters of support to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and
Senator James indicating that they are addressing issues of concern to
recycling activists across the country. Coke is already putting pressure on
members of the Georgia Senate committee chaired by Senator James.

Letters to Atlanta Constitution:; fax 404-526-5611
Letters to Atlanta Journal:
Both: 150 words max; full name; day and eve. phone

Georgia Senator Donzella J. James, Chair, Recycling and Economic Development
Study Committee, LOB 320, 18 Capitol Square, Atlanta GA 30334; fax 404-657-0785.


Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 10:16:46 -0500
Subject: PET at Wal-Mart - in bottle bill states

I'd be interested in knowing if anyone has a Wal-Mart in their locale that is
disposing of #1PET after giving the customer their deposit back. Ours is. I
had a call from a distressed resident who watched the Wal-Mart employee throw
all her Sam's Club PET bottles in the trash - apparantly the major bottlers
won't take them - even for free. I'm working with our local store to rectify
the problem, but am interested in finding out if any other Wal-Marts are
doing the same thing.

Respond to Gayle Miller (

Thanks! Happy Holidays


Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 10:16:23 -0600
From: George Dreckmann <>
Subject: PET at Wal-Mart - in bottle bill states -Reply

The problem you mention is a sure sign that the PETE situation has
seriously deteriorating. When a company that has long pushed
recycling, such as Wal-Mart is forced to dump PETE and risk the negative
publicity associated with such dumping, it underscores the fact that it is
becoming more and more difficult to move PETE on the reycling markets.

Recycling programs can sit back and wait for the problem to hit them
and risk the wrath of their customers (and rest assured that we will get
a lot of blame, not the plastic folks) or we can try to head things off by
telling our customers to stop buying PETE.

Okay, so I sound like a broken record. But, I really think that we have to
do something now or start renting storage space for all of our PETE




End of GreenYes Digest V96 #54